
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Halo 2, Part 1:Battle for Earth'

little old man
6:45 pm | July 1, 2004
living in a turkish 3rd world
2:29 pm | October 1, 2003
what a cock tbh
7:37 pm | September 29, 2003
why have u all been so mean to me, all i wanted was some respect, i dont have any friends all i have is an x-box and halo. i thought that by writing this story i could make some friends but all it has acomplished is the fact that i hate myself. i hate being turkish i hate being gay and i hate my dad for being gay too.

goodbye world alas you may never see me again
7:15 pm | September 28, 2003
Why do Turkish people smell??

So blind people can hate them too!!!!!!!
7:15 pm | September 28, 2003
Why do Turkish people smell??

So blind people can hate them too!!!!!!!
10/10 pocket asses have holes in
7:12 pm | September 28, 2003
Mallet Man
7:12 pm | September 28, 2003
I have read it and have found it to have some good points but really i think he should tell someone to not waste there fucking time reading this pile of shit ffs its halo you fuking play the game. Its not a fucking lifestyle to base your life around. Fuck i bet his room is covered in shit about halo and his own pathetic pieces of attempted halo art work, fuck off back to turkey with your family.

Joke - Why do you think Tirkish people smell??
7:12 pm | September 28, 2003
7:08 pm | September 28, 2003
i like my beatings
7:08 pm | September 28, 2003
really iam not kidding they dont even have deoderant
7:08 pm | September 28, 2003
really iam not kidding they dont even have deoderant
7:08 pm | September 28, 2003
really iam not kidding they dont even have deoderant
Mr Hoppy
7:08 pm | September 28, 2003
eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, hha hiee ahhh a ohh ahh shit
the real rick
2:56 pm | September 25, 2003
will ffs thats just gay u twat ure getting the hugest beating tomorrow
3:03 pm | September 24, 2003
sorry 4 the crappy story lads i piked it from sum website but IAM working on my own soon
2:56 pm | September 24, 2003
yeh thanks for those wills (angry mate) and it seems mr anoymymous aint james after all. oh well.
btw 3rd world
8:40 pm | September 23, 2003
8:38 pm | September 23, 2003
dude that was the best story ever, if u were like 7... man u must be like 14 or sumthing
if u want a far cooler read
8:33 pm | September 23, 2003
fed up of turkish tossers then go to

www.monkey-dust.co.uk and find out why dial up modems make those strange sounds
4000 words my arse
8:29 pm | September 23, 2003
hello to all u out there i know this turkish boi and he askes his english teacher to tell stories bout space then basicly ripps them into halo style, dont take this fake shit u think some1 would actally bother to write this well hes bsing u tbh
is there even a place called turky???
8:26 pm | September 23, 2003
---pocket ass user----
turk land is a third world
8:24 pm | September 23, 2003
-turky 3rd world point of view-
8:24 pm | September 23, 2003
majesticly the pocket ass that rick uses checked its every crack then posted itself on this website
8:20 pm | September 23, 2003
woops lol oh well . hey james (i know that gotta be u m4 anoymous) u suck! lol. thanks for reading it ive got another 4,000 words down which ill post later. ill try to correct anyother errors.
rick again
8:20 pm | September 23, 2003
bloody hell. ive deleted the other 4,000 words somehow. god dam that sucks they were good. im gonna have to write it again. pffff.
12:41 pm | September 23, 2003
Holy crap. Your story kicks ass. Apart from the already mentioned factual errors, I think it's not bad for the Halo 2 storyline.
11:20 am | September 23, 2003
it sucked
7:42 am | September 23, 2003
ooopz, refreshed the page 2 many timez lol:P
7:39 am | September 23, 2003
gr8 story man, despite the little tidbitz that the peepz around here are renound 4 pounting out, lol, i dont really care about those things, newayz 10/10. Gr8 story
7:39 am | September 23, 2003
gr8 story man, despite the little tidbitz that the peepz around here are renound 4 pounting out, lol, i dont really care about those things, newayz 10/10. Gr8 story
12:39 am | September 23, 2003
it was pretty good thats all i have to say
Sergent B
10:01 pm | September 22, 2003
Good man!
12:12 pm | September 22, 2003
Other than John was born and originally raised on Erindanus 2, neat little work. You've got a very interesting writing style.
Capo Rip
7:30 am | September 22, 2003
:/ John wasn't born on Earth... he has probably never been there since all the fighting pre-Halo was in the Outer Colonies.
