
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Arisen Dark'

1:06 am | May 29, 2004
Thanks for the comments, I'll start another story. Oh, and this time I'll spell Covenant right.
The Razor
4:06 pm | April 9, 2004
Thats god... wery god.
CoLd BlooDed
3:48 am | April 9, 2004
Yes, extremely.
Nick Kang
8:06 pm | April 7, 2004
Your right, I have seen worse. I especially hate those ones where its all dialogue, and its not separated, so they're just like:

master chief get out of the way! i see the rocket coming! covering fire!

doesn't that bug you?
7:44 pm | April 7, 2004
Same old, same old. I agree with everyone.
I'm not going to give you any points for trying to write a good story, because I haven't come across anyone yet who wants to try write a crappy story. However, it didn't flow badly, and at least it has some description, better than none, which seems to be the norm for some writers. Not bad.
Nick Kang
11:56 am | April 7, 2004
Nick Kang
11:53 am | April 7, 2004
Woah...that wasn't too good. Are you meaning to tell me you played the entire game calling the aliens 'Covenate?' It's Covenant, as said before. And if there was a Marine lying on the ground with half his upper skin missing, he wouldn't simply shout 'medic.' This guy'd be screaming friggin' bloody murder. Covenant tank=Wraith. Set explosives on it? It would fry even a large suad of Marines before they even get within throwing distance of it.
10:26 am | April 7, 2004
WHy bother mentioning what everyone else said? Still, I give you a 7.0/10 for trying to write something good.
Rabid Hamster from Mars
12:09 pm | April 6, 2004
1. It's Covenant not Covenate, 2. A Covenant tank is called a Wraith dumb ass.Plus set explosives on a Wraith? why not just blast it from afar with a rocket launcher?...asshole.
11:45 am | April 6, 2004
Helljumper explained it again for me. Lol... But what he said: Had no care for the characters, spelled Covenant wrong, boring, and not alot of details. Sorry but you get a 6.8/10 :( i know you can improve tho!!!!!!!!! Keep trying

The man with the poo, Pooman.
12:45 am | April 6, 2004
ummmm...not covenante...COVENANT!DUH!
6:18 pm | April 5, 2004
First of all, its Covenant, second i couldn't get into it, there wasn't much details, and i didn't care aobut the characters.

