
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Civilian Assault, pt. One- The Beginning'

Nick Kang
12:54 pm | February 19, 2004
Well, theres obviously gonna be quite a bit of stragglers if they organize an assault...
1:07 am | February 19, 2004
or not many with a lotta bombs lol.
12:26 pm | February 18, 2004
ah you saw that gameplay footage also then? It just made me want halo 2 more than ever lol! Good story though waiting for the next.
FOrunnER to Hikaru-119
12:04 pm | February 18, 2004
Looking foward to it.
11:44 am | February 18, 2004
wow, thankx alot guys.

(to FOrunnER and Nick Kang)

yea, there's a few straglers... not gonna say how many more, though....

thankx again everyone. this is why i write these.

CoLd BlooDed
4:56 am | February 18, 2004
Nice work, ONI. I just managed to get on the internet as I am currently staying at a relatives on Vancouver Island.


Good job though, and I hope you continue reading my series.
4:03 am | February 18, 2004
Good work. Keep it up.
FOrunnER to Nick Kang
2:59 am | February 18, 2004
Well Im sure there was an evacuation called for once the Covenant came in, but there are always a few stragglers. Right ONIop?
Nick Kang
2:26 am | February 18, 2004
Great Story, but I doubt they would let that person stay in his house while a battle is raging.
MC's Cousin
2:55 pm | February 17, 2004
Good good, it was good. Another perspective from the E3 vid. Nice.

Signing Off

12:08 pm | February 17, 2004
Nice job. Awaiting next section. Speaking of which if anyone cares my new piece will be out next week.
12:08 pm | February 17, 2004
to FOrunnER: shhhhhh ;)
10:36 pm | February 16, 2004
Good story. Liked the action words, from my interpretation of the title I think that some civilians are going to plan an assualt on the Covenant, but I could be wrong. Great work.
Rambo_Slaughter Machine
10:21 pm | February 16, 2004
No, the first step in reaching self-enlightenment is realizing ur ignorant. *COUGH*

I am such a pimp.
Traumatised Marine
8:51 pm | February 16, 2004
Traumatised Marine
8:50 pm | February 16, 2004
That's why monologue is so important.
Traumatised Marine
8:48 pm | February 16, 2004
...yep, nothing like a good bit of monologue eh?
Traumatised Marine
8:48 pm | February 16, 2004
I think talking to yourself is one of the purest ways to reach self-enlightenment.
Traumatised Marine
8:48 pm | February 16, 2004
Nice bit of monologue too!

Love a good bit of monologue, do I!
6:04 pm | February 16, 2004
hey not to shabby, not too shabby at all. good description and action words. the only suggestion i can think of is to space out the story with more paragraphs. makes the story flow a little better
