
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Beach of Zanzibar Part 1 of ?'

343 Salty Beans
5:33 am | June 14, 2004
Easy, man, I never said my writing was 'paragon'.
In fact, I think it kinda stinks (at least until the plot sorta unfolds-its not that far into it). Sorry had to defend my story there.

And just for fun:
tomorrow, not tommarow

Oooh fun! Except not. What am I doing? Dear God, it's summer. WHY!

Anyway, don't be so flaming, man. You're flaming more than a San Francisco male with a lisp wearing a pink cardigan.
System Failure
4:17 pm | June 12, 2004
My God New001, what have you done!?

3:16 am | June 11, 2004
Such a devious, devious plan.
2:06 am | June 11, 2004
I'm not telling so :P
3:00 am | June 10, 2004
Or is it that the first ones weren't done on purpose, and that these are. Just to make us believe the first were done on purpose, even though they secretly weren't!
2:42 am | June 10, 2004
both im diseving you to think im a geius at grmmar, but those are made on purpose, just like these ones.
8:38 pm | June 9, 2004
Did you really leave them on purpose, or did you discover them and this is some elaborate plot to deceive us all?
5:00 am | June 7, 2004
I did leave several grammatical and spelling errors in my past note. It was on purpose, I was testing. See if you can find them, it will be fun.
4:55 am | June 7, 2004
Sorry for using big words I have an english test tomarrow. Honors. And which by the way, I'm only in 7th grade so if you what your intelegence continuously challanged and having it failed be my guest. mumble mumble mumble dumbass.
4:50 am | June 7, 2004
By the way 343 my I.Q is a 154, I think i have a lot of talking to get it as low as yours. Which by the way I'm not good with negative numbers. So shut up. I can be just as sardonic as you, and your fanfics aren't exactly paragon yourself. Bad plot and planning is ubiquitous there.
4:24 am | June 7, 2004
also who the hell is mister cheif
4:21 am | June 7, 2004
what the fuck are you guy's talkin about, the code, 117? copying, I have NEVER read a book about the halo world, I just live their, please tell me a story to write about, I'm desperate.
3:45 am | June 7, 2004
Mister Chief is Frankie's pseudo comic thing he does on Bungie's Weekly Updates. That's where he got the name.
343 Salty Beans
3:34 am | June 7, 2004
And funnily enough, I noticed what New001 said about Mister Chief's last option (note: although not an original name, Mister Chief 117 is funny. Congrats on being witty.). Now, when he says hammer, he isn't talking about a rocket launcher. Dear God! Why did I even send you an email? A crappy fanfic with code is as bad as a crappy fic without it. So please, quit while you are behind. Everytime you open your mouth your IQ drops 10 points. I'm sure you are somewhere in the negatives by now.
343 Salty Beans
3:14 am | June 7, 2004
I think I know what you guys are thinking. I'm going to rag on this guy because he's using Zanzibar just like me. But nope.

First, use you're grammar and punctuation. You know, the kind you learned in 3rd frikking grade!

Second, use the code. If you're lucky and I'm not feeling lazy, I might send you an email with the code itself and how to use it.

Third, be original. Alot of your stuff is taken from other books (besides the HALO novels).

Fourth, it's your first fanfic, so I'll go easy on you. My first fic didn't have the code either, and I got ragged on for it too.
12:14 am | June 7, 2004
dude its not a hammer it's a jack hammer (cough)idiot. and as for it being bad it's my first one, if you want to see bad type " The cortana" into the search alright. by the way if you didn't know all the characters names are from Tom Clancy's Red storm rising and omt's name is an anigram.

P.S tell me what you want a story about, im all ears
10:30 pm | June 6, 2004
that wasnt very original and you seriously need to fix some things.

"my name is Kirpan"
Nick Kang
7:14 pm | June 6, 2004
I don't have an alt key...I have a Macintosh.
And this story was ummmm....

Mister Chief 117
7:10 pm | June 6, 2004
"telll me what to do."

Power Button
Hammer to computer

Pick one.
4:51 pm | June 6, 2004
First fan fic go easy telll me what to do.
