
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Attack of the n00bs (part 2)'

Dave Luck
12:07 am | July 19, 2004
Well, well, well.

We've got a case of Impersonation in sector 15!

Nick, don't worry. We know you'd never type like that.

Anyhow, onto the story comments.

Why? Why do people never use proper grammar and spelling? And why do people never read the guidelines?

I wonder if Wu is on holiday, and someone new is running the show... it would explain things quite a bit.

- Dave.
2:02 am | April 27, 2004
Mr. Revenge, you are a strange person.
CoLd BlooDed
1:57 pm | April 26, 2004
I completely agree with you there, MAP, non-quality writing doesn't deserve to be on the site. If you can't spell properly, let alone WRITE properly, I just don't feel like reading it.
12:54 pm | April 26, 2004
You, know. This whole FF thing is starting to get out of hand. I mean, I don't think all n00bs should not be allowed to write, but I do think people need to think more about their stories before submitting. At least do people the favor of reading the rules at the top of the submission page. That's why they are there. Halo is a great story, and makes people want to write about it, and we all understand that. But do Halo the favor of putting some thought, love, and just plain hard work into your writing. A first story is alright if it isn't so good, but anything as bad or worse after your first post of a series is not really...just no. Think about this folks
Don't submit the scrapings from the top of your head. That is just not right. I'm am NOT saying that you can't use stuff off the top of your head, that is what this thing is about. When I write my stories ("The Enemy Within"; oops, spam.) I write as I feel. I write what comes into my head about Halo and that moment. If you have difficulty in finding those creative bursts where you have enough emotion to write a good story, write while listening to music, I do it and it really effects the mood of what you write.

I hope people actualy read and pay attention to this.

someone that you dont know
7:57 am | April 26, 2004
sorry for the double post. Something messed up, caused me to double post somehow
someone that you dont know
7:42 am | April 26, 2004
hey that was the worst fanfic I've ever read! I know your "tired" and "out of it" but that is no excuse for not using a word prossesor with SPELL CHECK!!!!! Maybe then you wouldnt get screwed everytime you write fan fiction. And if you dont have a word prossesor with spell check(i mean who here doesnt have MS word or something like that?) then,.......... i dont know what to say. Not funny this time. The cupholder thing was clever but.........Not good. I know my fan fictions arent that good either but at least i put some hard work and care into them. Your fanfics so far seemed to be botched together last minute with no story,no plot, and has a bad format.
someone that you dont know
7:42 am | April 26, 2004
hey that was the worst fanfic I've ever read! I know your "tired" and "out of it" but that is no excuse for not using a word prossesor with SPELL CHECK!!!!! Maybe then you wouldnt get screwed everytime you write fan fiction. And if you dont have a word prossesor with spell check(i mean who here doesnt have MS word or something like that?) then,.......... i dont know what to say. Not funny this time. The cupholder thing was clever but.........Not good. I know my fan fictions arent that good either but at least i put some hard work and care into them. Your fanfics so far seemed to be botched together last minute with no story,no plot, and has a bad format.
CoLd BlooDed
2:18 am | April 26, 2004
It's CoLd BlooDed...
Nick Kang
12:30 am | April 26, 2004
I noticed that too...it never ends up with any info under me. you have to click on the 'more by this author' button next to one of my stories. theres one on pg. 3. The first ones were kinda bad, but they get better.

12:18 am | April 26, 2004
Hey Nick - how come I can' find any of your stories? There's none listed under Nick Kang. Or do you write under a different name?
10:57 pm | April 25, 2004
Hey...you might want to fix your grammar and your punctuation up a bit...I advise you let Nick Kang re-write it for you...just my opinion...
Nick Kang
7:19 pm | April 25, 2004
Hey Helljumper, if I can rewrite it, do you want to be in it?

7:10 pm | April 25, 2004
I personally would have prefered if u left me out of your story

Nick Kang
7:08 pm | April 25, 2004
Well no one can rewrite it without Mr Revenge's permission...and he doesn't seem to be answering any of my posts about it.

MC's Cousin
5:38 pm | April 25, 2004
Hey, look! A chat room! Is it AOL?

Really, that story was kinda lacking. And for the record, that was in no way me. I'm not Mcc, I'm MCC. See, a difference.

I would suggest someone write that well. I mean, the whole n00b attacks theme could have been good...if it wasn't a n00b writing the story.

Oh, and about the password thing. Yes, that would be good, then we wouldn't have IMPOSTERS!

Signing Off

Nick Kang
11:45 am | April 25, 2004
Good point...

11:33 am | April 25, 2004
A chat room can be a battlefield.
Nick Kang
10:10 am | April 25, 2004
That's exactly why I want to rewrite it! I can turn this into an actual series, not just a two-part jumble of words.

12:25 am | April 25, 2004
Yikes! This Shawn guy can sure mess up comments. I agree we need passwords. I mean, how can you tell who is who? About the story - write it out in Word first, so you can check for mistakes. I didn't like it much, it was confusing and didn't make much sense. Good idea behind it all though.
Nick Kang
10:19 pm | April 24, 2004
To Mr Revenge: So then... now that you know it was my friend that called you a faggot, can I please rewrite the story? I think I can turn this into something good that will atract readers. I'll give you a 80% of the credit.

(I think I know what you're gonna say, but I felt like writing something not about Halo for a change. Just thought it was worth a shot.)

Nick Kang
9:54 pm | April 24, 2004
Okay, so switching attention to the story, how did they get the Banshees?

Nick Kang
9:34 pm | April 24, 2004
No it hasn't...it's become a battle.

9:14 pm | April 24, 2004
I feel bad for Mr. Revenge, this comment page has become a chat room.
Nick Kang
8:54 pm | April 24, 2004
Yeah, I know. Finally! That got rid of him! Faced with the authoritah, he ran away!

Solidus Snake
8:18 pm | April 24, 2004
Really, there needs to be passwords.
The REAL Nick Kang
7:41 pm | April 24, 2004
For those of you that don't know, I told my friend Shawn what my name was so he could find my stories, but he is insulting people under my name to make people think it's me. So if a Nick Kang insults you, it's him. I swear.

The REAL Nick Kang
7:39 pm | April 24, 2004
And Shawn, if you keep on insulting people under my name, I'll find some way to contact the Admin, cause this is getting really annoying.

7:35 pm | April 24, 2004
But the spitfire was good....
7:35 pm | April 24, 2004
But the spitfire was good....
Shawn get your arse off the comments section!!
7:35 pm | April 24, 2004
My name explains it all.

The REAL Nick Kang
7:33 pm | April 24, 2004

7:33 pm | April 24, 2004
Whats with all you Nick's? An don't insult us brits!
The REAL Nick Kang
7:33 pm | April 24, 2004
Oh yeah that's really me, seeing as how I capitalized the first 2 letters of my name.

7:33 pm | April 24, 2004
Not you guys, by the way, Nick & Solidus Snake
Nick Kang
7:33 pm | April 24, 2004
My fave was the spitfire, good tea drinking british made whoop ass fighter it twas. Toodle pip
7:32 pm | April 24, 2004
Speaking of n00bs...
NIck Kang
7:30 pm | April 24, 2004
What r u noobs doin with my name!!??

The REAL Nick Kang
7:03 pm | April 24, 2004
To Solidus Snake: was that directed toward me?

Does anyone know how to contact the Admins? I wanna request passwords so people stop getting on in other peoples' names.

Solidus Snake
6:45 pm | April 24, 2004
N00bs like y'all are killing HBO, this sucks now!
The REAL Nick Kang
6:36 pm | April 24, 2004
Oh I knew it! It is my friend! His favorite WWII Plane was the P-51 Mustang or something.

Nick Kang
6:18 pm | April 24, 2004
the mustang
The REAL Nick Kang
6:16 pm | April 24, 2004
If it were me, I would have put 'NK' at the end of my post.

The REAL Nick Kang
6:14 pm | April 24, 2004
I didn't say that! That was my friend Shawn! I told him my name so he could know which stories were by me, and he's jst trying to make everyone think I hate them! He even called me and told me! I swear!

Mr Revenge
5:24 pm | April 24, 2004
No your A DUMB FAGET!!!!!!!!
The REAL Nick Kang
3:07 pm | April 24, 2004
Requesting permission to rewrite this into something legible. It's a great idea, spoiled by the writing.

Arinoth Koby
2:49 pm | April 24, 2004
That story was...um horrible. There are no words to describe it any other way.

Arinoth Koby
The Razor
1:50 pm | April 24, 2004
It wasent the best but not the worst so uhmmm...well i give you:

5/10 :)
Nick Kang
1:12 pm | April 24, 2004
wtf...that first person wasn't me. Someone stole my name!

Nick Kang
1:12 pm | April 24, 2004
Wait a second...I think I know who that is.

Hey other Nick Kang...what is your favorite WWII fighter plane?

Nick Kang
1:12 pm | April 24, 2004
You need to put two spaces after each period. And the writing still wasn't cleaned up very much.

Nick Kang
1:10 pm | April 24, 2004
ur story is horrible i cant believe you wrote it! Dumb Faget
