
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Attack of the n00bs(comedy)'

Dave Luck
12:05 am | July 19, 2004
I'll keep this flame short, but not sweet.

Incoherent, lacking.


- Dave.
Nick Kang
10:33 am | April 24, 2004
And would people here consider me a famous author...or just a really really good one?

lol j/k

But seriously, what would I be?

Nick Kang
9:00 pm | April 23, 2004
Okay I took another shot at it and it is pretty good. Just fix up the grammar, spelling, and add the extra little comedic spice to the mix and you have a popular story.

P.S. I think you 'forgot' to mention me in the story.

8:15 pm | April 23, 2004

*takes out bludgeon*
MC's Cousin
1:35 pm | April 23, 2004
Just make sure you spell my name "MCC" for short or [extended] "MC's Cousin". And I would suggest looking at how we act in the comments' page to determine our character in the story. Or emial us and ask. We are, surprizingly, nice people...well, most of us anyway.

Signing Off

11:58 am | April 23, 2004
With all of the comedies out lately, I should bring back my comedy series.

Backwash Friday Night Stuff
The Silver Spartan
11:47 am | April 23, 2004
Hey! Nice, this series could really turn out to be great, mentioning all of the "Famous" authors, cartoonisits, and admin of HBO! Lol, It did make me laugh. Not to seem like I want attention, but could I be in it? I mean not like a heroic role, but just like an "extra" or something. I just don't want to miss out on all of the fun! And like everyone said make sure to spell-check it! (Besides the parts with the n00bs!) So good luck, and one final piece of advice, I would advise that you not mention the name of some of these people that have been flooding the FanFic page lately...

The Silver Spartan
someone that you dont know
11:42 am | April 23, 2004
Hey lemme be in your next one! Not. Nice first attempt. Spelling errors. Do you have a word processor with spell check? If you do use it. Pretty funny. Keep trying.
2:45 am | April 23, 2004
Admittedly, the bad spelling/grammar/punctuation/general construction was a wee bit over the top. A wee bit meaning a wee bit in terms of World War One casualties.

Anyway, the recent spike (or small rise, whatever) over Halo comedies makes yours pretty common place. Nothing against it, just that you may wanna hold out and not release in stride of the other authors. Read around and learn. Always come up with original jokes, though.

(no score because Berconius is too tired to read n00b sp33k. Sorry, I'm sure it's fine.)
Mr Revenge
9:41 pm | April 22, 2004
Ohh I will add you in the next story Mcc
Mr Revenge
9:39 pm | April 22, 2004
It was spelled bad in the one part because that is how n00bs talk .... I think
Nick Kang
9:16 pm | April 22, 2004
Uh...the grammar was so bad all the sentences seemed to blend. I got about a line into the second paragraph and then got confused.

The Razor
4:55 pm | April 22, 2004
Uhmmm... are you from Scandinavia?Exep fore thet speling faoult it wsa okya.

With strange grettings from The Razor.

Story:6/10 :O
CoLd BlooDed
1:51 pm | April 22, 2004
Rofl, MCC, you mentioned yourself!

As for the story... you need to work on spelling, grammar and punctuation. All of it. This was an 'okay' comedy, didn't really make me laugh, but okay nonetheless.

Keep trying!
MC's Cousin
12:59 pm | April 22, 2004
Well, you need to work on your gammer and spelling yes. If you don't, I will take over writing the main part of this story and consider you a recruit in the n00b army. Only use terrible spelling and gramatical structure when the n00bs talk, not during the whole story.

P.S.-you mean special people like MCC, CoLd, teemus, Helljumper, and other people such as those perviously listed right? *MCC feels slightly out of place*

Signing Off

12:43 pm | April 22, 2004
The grammar and spelling and quotes were so bad that I stopped four lines in.
12:30 pm | April 22, 2004
Great story, can't wait for another!
