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Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Dreams of Master Chief'

4:14 am | November 1, 2003
That rant wasn't directed towards you, it was a basis for most of the new fanfics out there today.

Poor spelling, bad grammar, and no sense whatsoever or writing skill.
Max Ellis
11:51 pm | October 29, 2003
To be honest, this was just a late-night thing, though I did sit on it for a while and take it seriously. As for where the dream scenes came from...wait, they didn't come from anywhere! I just put myself in the MC's shoes near turning points in his life.

Gotta agree with Mainevent on many stories having lack of plot, but quoting:

"Great, MORE SPARTANS!!!! That just happened to happen overnight, with no real rhyme or reason behind it. Yay. That's a marvelous idea. But old, and moldy. John dies!!!! Almost as schocking as the "Who shot JR?" episode...He is backstabbed by a shady man no one ever gets aquainted with....boring. Make their friendship more deep, and then get the reader emotionally attached."

. . . what the hell are you talking about? Where was any of that in the story? I can see where the more Spartans threw you off, 'cause there were more back in the day, before Halo, but come on.

[deep breath]

Anyway, thanks for the compliments and constructive criticism so far, everyone; I don't know if I'll make anything else, though. It definetely won't be random groups of people fighting Covenant.
12:24 pm | October 27, 2003
Granted I didn't read all of this, I was somewhat perplexed by the concept. This is probably the only fanfic revolving around the dreams, but I must ask, do you know what all of these mean?

A recent dream I had about a huge white place with a green door in the middle was analyzed before by someone I know (not a professionaly, another 2.9er like me), and ever since then, especially since the decodiong, albeit somewhat generic, was fairly accurate, I have been believing that dreams have a meaning behind them. I have odd dreams, a lot, but good dreams nonetheless. I seem to have fallen into ineptitude, as I cannot remember more than a single bad day or dream within the past two or three years.

Anyways, despite my odd tenancy to rant, I try to help, but I can't with this fanfic, even if I had read it all. If I'm allowed to say so with a positive connotation, this one is "out there" in the fanfic universe, ina good way.

Also, Walker...
You don't miss too much beyond Assualt on the Control Room. 343 is great and cinematic, but nothing is too good beyond that... Except for the Maw... That one was pretty good too...
Capo Rip
7:34 am | October 27, 2003
Good paragraphing and spelling, though it could've used a proof-read for tense changes.

Also I'm pretty sure John wasn't a full MCPO by 2525.

And I'd bet a *lot* that after the game that John's naps would be more like this:

*Yawn!!* Mmm, sleepy.. *Snore*... AAHHH! FLOOD! F***IN' MUTANT SPACE ZOMBIES EATING ME! AGH, God DAMN it! I'm never gonna be able to sleep again...
2:35 am | October 27, 2003
That one was the best.

343 I mean.

The Maw was my second favorite.

As for dreams, I haven't dreamt in so long it's not funnny. I've also found myself in a sincere state of sleep deprivation. Not that I can't get to sleep, I can, it's just that, when I do, I don't feel it.

I hardly ever just have a night of quiet restful peace where I wake up remembering a great dream I've had, and feel serene.
7:59 pm | October 26, 2003
I actually liked this one, the rant before was not directed towards you.

It was pretty interesting, and all.

Too short, but overall good.

I'm not a big fan of dreams though.
5:15 pm | October 26, 2003
I find todays stories with a discernable lack of plot.

Mostly just people fighting the covenant for no reason, with no deep emotional struggle, or anything to set them apart in any way.

Fighting the Covenant, the Flood, the Sentinals, that's great, but no one ever puts any reason behind it, it's mostly just them somewhere fighting for some reason.

Great, MORE SPARTANS!!!! That just happened to happen overnight, with no real rhyme or reason behind it. Yay. That's a marvelous idea. But old, and moldy.

John dies!!!! Almost as schocking as the "Who shot JR?" episode, the only thing is, that isn't shocking anymore because that was like 10 years ago.

He is backstabbed by a shady man no one ever gets aquainted with....boring. Make their friendship more deep, and then get the reader emotionally attached. If i care, I'll really hate that mofo when it's overwith.

THere are other things, but I gotta eat.
1:21 pm | October 26, 2003
Well, for a noob, he sure comes out with confidence, don't he? Gotta give him credit for that. As for the actual story... I find other people's dreams boring. I read as far as "John lay on his cot..." and that's it. Sorry. Come up with something that has more of a story later and I'll probably read it.

Semper Fi


PS: Having all that experience isn't what makes you popular or good. I have never even gotten past Assault on the Control Room, I do not own an Xbox, nor do I own a copy of Halo. And I'm one of the better authors here, if I may claim myself to be counted among Dispraiser, Nemesis, Mainevent, Wado, Alpha Lance (he had some smashing stories about a month ago... I've noticed them getting a leetle more icky) and H_K, whose ASOWE did get a bit cheesy near the end, but roughed it out. I probably forgot someone... GLAD, that's it. A Marine Named Peters seems to be about six stories rolled into one, and that's why we like it. I've probably forgot some other people... Steele. He's good. Okay, now I'm fairly sure that's everyone...

My point is that experience with the material ain't what makes ya good. It's experience with writing.
8:01 am | October 26, 2003
Lotsa that was kinda confusing to me. What was that drop with all the other Spartans from?
4:54 am | October 26, 2003
I've read TFOR thrice, and TF twice. I got you beat.
