
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Halo:After the Ring, the War Goes on'

4:50 pm | July 5, 2003
Haven't seen you in a while, James.
James Kinsella
9:05 pm | July 3, 2003
I'd like to recap what Boxer said,"Spellcheck...use it, love it, never ever type without it."
Punctuation couldn't hurt either...
6:57 pm | July 3, 2003
Wow now, it aint that bad, boxer boy: 9/10
6:50 pm | July 3, 2003
1.) Spellcheck...use it, love it, never ever type without it.
2.) You do realize that Cortana isn't a person, she's an AI who resided inside the MC's armor.
3.) You suck...

Be well.
