
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'In Shining Armor, Part 1'

7:57 pm | July 14, 2004
Why didn't you finish your last series, I liked it, so finish it. any way a word of encouragement your probably my favorite author on the site, your language is pretty mild and your writing is very discriptive keep up the good work.
2:42 am | June 24, 2004
whitegrunt: no.

romac: no.
white grunt
2:13 am | June 24, 2004
great story,but one question will these marnies meet MC?
12:16 am | June 24, 2004
OCCASSIONALLY take flaming? What the hell are you smoking? That is all we do. If we talk about "Helljumper's ODST", without the proper "RESPECT" to them. Well I think helljumper can go "Feet First into my Ass" He is just a punk ass bitch who spazs out everytime some new writer even mentions a hint of a clue to a riddle of there being an ODST. And if its not what HE thinks an ODST should be like, then EVERYONE else agrees with him. You know when I'm angry at all the "regulars", all they do is tell me to "stop it or you'll look stupid." People like me get no respect because we haven't been here for a long time. I found that all the regulars here PROBALY started out as average kids, then started writing stories EVERY chance they get. Some people have 3 or 4 pages of fanfics people like Coldblooded(how the hell do you say that fucking name?) have, and I counted, exactly SIXTY stories. I mean JE-sus Christ! All of you "regulars" All you regulars are probal bullied in school so you flame people here, so I quit for good, never will write a story. Just to make this clear this is all because of the "regulars" like cold-whatever, helljumper(that STUPID ASS BITCH!!!!), and many others who show no respect to newbs or n00bs. Well FUCK all the regulars and


PS. You'll see no more of me forever, and for the people who ACTUALLY liked my stories, my email is romac1991@yahoo.com
Well bye everyone and fuck all the regulars.
12:16 am | June 24, 2004
OCCASSIONALLY take flaming? What the hell are you smoking? That is all we do. If we talk about "Helljumper's ODST", without the proper "RESPECT" to them. Well I think helljumper can go "Feet First into my Ass" He is just a punk ass bitch who spazs out everytime some new writer even mentions a hint of a clue to a riddle of there being an ODST. And if its not what HE thinks an ODST should be like, then EVERYONE else agrees with him. You know when I'm angry at all the "regulars", all they do is tell me to "stop it or you'll look stupid." People like me get no respect because we haven't been here for a long time. I found that all the regulars here PROBALY started out as average kids, then started writing stories EVERY chance they get. Some people have 3 or 4 pages of fanfics people like Coldblooded(how the hell do you say that fucking name?) have, and I counted, exactly SIXTY stories. I mean JE-sus Christ! All of you "regulars" All you regulars are probal bullied in school so you flame people here, so I quit for good, never will write a story. Just to make this clear this is all because of the "regulars" like cold-whatever, helljumper(that STUPID ASS BITCH!!!!), and many others who show no respect to newbs or n00bs. Well FUCK all the regulars and


PS. You'll see no more of me forever, and for the people who ACTUALLY liked my stories, my email is romac1991@yahoo.com
Well bye everyone and fuck all the regulars.
1:32 am | June 22, 2004
Argh, I kinda rushed through the part explaining the Excalibur. What I wanted to elaborate was that UNSC R&D had developed liquid crystals that didn't work as hard as the Mjolnir's, and kept human bones in a safe zone.

Even though that probably wouldn't work. ;-P
Eh, just go with it.
343 Salty Beans
12:36 am | June 22, 2004
A few mistakes.

A) You missed a few places where paragraphs should be divided into two in the beginning.

B)Regular humans can't wear MJOLNIR armor. MJOLNIR's speed- and strength-enhancing liquid crystal breaks normal bones. That is partly why the Spartans were given bone ossification.

Other than that, kickass. 9/10.

8:29 pm | June 21, 2004
I liked it very much, but I thought that the guy was a little too heavily armored/armed...
7:37 pm | June 21, 2004
Thanks. Any other comments?

Bueller...anyone? Anyone?
9:50 am | June 21, 2004
Long time, LostRock. Good to have you back

