
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Longsword Squadron Zulu: One way to say yo daddy'

3:27 am | May 29, 2004
I tell you Ster, it's only four. You...you...damn you!
Longsword Pilot Man
11:00 am | May 28, 2004
The suit may not be heated, but it's still insulated. His insides wouldn't freeze (yet) but he would have experienced some suction as the back opened up. I forgot to add that.
10:15 pm | May 26, 2004
Hey author stick to writing about Longswords, leave my ODST alone. Oh yea good story take their advice.

Nick Kang
6:45 pm | May 26, 2004
Having said that, there are a bit of other things. If the suit isn't heated, the guy wouldn't be hypothermic, his insides would be frozen solid the second all of the atmosphere was sucked out of the Longsword.
There is the SkyHawk JumpJet, as Sterfrye said, but I think those are used mainly for atmosphere dogfights and such.
And Banshees wouldn't be able t survive in space. If you observe them closely, you can see that the backs are open, therefore letting air in. The pilots would freeze. This point is put to further diagnosis in First Strike, but I'll leave that alone since you haven't read it yet.

Nick Kang
6:38 pm | May 26, 2004
The book is called First Strike, not First Contact, and that gives a lot of background to Longsword and Pelican armaments. Your space battles were good, but your describing words could have been picked better. You used wrong tenses here and there, but other than that it was good.

3:36 pm | May 26, 2004
Not a bad story, but what's this about a Longsword dogfighting with a Banshee? Banshee's are the Covie's close support aircraft, and are relatively slow. The Longsword is huge compared to it, and could easily take one out. You might be thinking of Seraph (spelling?) fighters...those are the Covie's space fighters.
Longsword Pilot Man
3:16 pm | May 26, 2004
Hey! When I wrote this, there was a picture of a Longsword in the "they're random baby!" box.
Longsword Pilot Man
3:12 pm | May 26, 2004
Thank you. I love writing about dogfights and starbattles. The Longswords also carry, I think, eight Archer class ship-to-ship missiles. The Longsword usually used the Archers in Fall of Reach. Where did you find the info on the Longswords? The 110mm Rotary Cannon thing isn't in any of the books that I can find.
Well I haven't read First Contact so we'll see.
11:36 am | May 26, 2004
Not to bad. As for your question at the bottom, no, there aren't any otehr known UNSC fighters besides the SkyHawk jumpjet, which has four 50 mm cannons and Scorpion missiles. The Longsword has 110 mm rotary cannons and at least four (I think it has more)ASGM-10 missiles. Hmmm. I may have to kick it up a notch if I want my space battle writings to compete with yours... ;-)
