
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Harvest'

Kinotrica 'Mocka'
9:31 pm | November 23, 2003
Yeah maybe it is!
10:12 pm | November 22, 2003
ok maybe it is a coinsidence...........
10:12 pm | November 22, 2003
no look at the COMMENTS for that story!!!!!!!!!
Kinotrica 'Mocka'
9:26 pm | November 22, 2003
Listen, I scimmed over this story and mostly found that is was made up of curse words. I don't know why bungie.org posted this story. I don't know what your talking about so go away. Thank you.
Kinotrica 'Mocka'
9:22 pm | November 22, 2003
What? I didn't copy you? I'll check out page 8 but I'm positive that I came up with this on my own. If its something about Harvest then woopty doo, so we both read the Fall of Reach. Thats not copying.
7:45 pm | November 22, 2003
thats were you copied me from. agent shade was supposed to write it but noooooooo. you had to copy me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7:43 pm | November 22, 2003
if you want to remind yourself where you got the idea of this story then go to fan fiction page 8 and see the comments for shadow ops II prologue
7:41 pm | November 22, 2003
i know you copied it from someones idea.
7:39 pm | November 22, 2003
and where did you get the idea of such a story
Kinotrica 'Mocka'
6:36 pm | November 22, 2003
Excuse me but that was the Elite speaking. Notice the Elite said that when he read the Prophet the miles away or whatever.
2:44 pm | November 22, 2003
Overall this story is really just plain corny. I mean what prophet is gonna say "this is gonna be one heck of a war."
11:57 am | November 22, 2003
Its not too bad for a first attempt. You should try keeping the descriptions of what occurs in certain scenarios explained at a common level of complexity. This would give your story a nicer polish to it, basically more professionally done and easier to read. Youre going to have to just trust me on this one.
Kinotrica 'Mocka'
3:35 am | November 22, 2003
Like I said at the bottom, its about Halo, and people who have read the book should know. If you haven't read the book then its about the first planet that was attacked by the alien group the Covenant.
wut is this story about
1:12 am | November 22, 2003
wut is this story about . please tell me. by the way if you want another cool fan fic website go 2 xboxgamestorys.proboards23.com they have true crime, medal of honor, halo, gta, morrowind, and mechasualt stories too. please visit .......please.
