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Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Escape'

Grunt King 98
6:27 am | May 12, 2004
Thats what I said. He had errors. You know, as in through instead of throw. And that part about Tree climbing Hunters, ya, that would be pretty funny to see.
5:35 am | May 12, 2004
i liked the idea of Hunters climbing trees, though
6:14 pm | May 11, 2004
To FUELRODGUN, Thanks, spread the word
9:23 pm | May 10, 2004
well, there are plenty of Flood in the Library in Halo...

As for you, Keyes, THAT WAS AWESOME, and you didn't spell any words wrong, except a couple of them had entirely different spellings. you could read it if you said it aloud though.

1:23 pm | May 10, 2004
Oh, I didn't read The Flood. Its not in any Library I could find near me. If some information is obscured, its because of that. But once I get into the First Strike portion, it will be similar to the book, except for the fact that it will follow Johnson, not The Chief.
5:09 am | May 10, 2004
yeah, it was good, but Mendoza was infected along with teh other marines.

In the book Halo:The Flood, the master chief is attacked by the flood infected mendoza, and he has to kill mendoza.
4:48 am | May 10, 2004
To crashedwarthog, thanks. And Yes, I know I had some errors in there, but hey, nobodies perfect. To Grunt King 98, Yes, I have Paragraphs, and I agree, Sarge would have, but I had to find some way to tie the Chief into the story. And it wouldn't be good for Sarge to beat up the Chief.
4:46 am | May 10, 2004
this had a really cool storyline, and i loved how everything tied into what we find in the game. however there were quite a few errors and other stuff, like not enough detail. just work on that and you'll get there:)
Grunt King 98
4:41 am | May 10, 2004
That was... intresting. You had some spelling errors, and I think Sarge would have beaten him up anyway. Nice job though. And I noticed that you actually had paragraphs in this one.
4:30 am | May 10, 2004
What? No comments. I feel left out:-(
