
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The ONI Chronicles Part 2'

11:42 pm | December 28, 2003
heh well thank you for all the good reviews, we see our "tiny" mistakes, we were tinkering around with the code to indent and space, make it look pleasant to the eye, so the new paragraphs and what not will be included, we will continue to refine our writing, much thanks to all those whom read our posts. I hope your holidays have been and will be good ones
8:59 am | December 25, 2003
Grr. I didn't think it would double-post if I hit the button twice . . .
8:55 am | December 25, 2003
NOW, this is why I hate your story . . .

Kidding, I liked it, a lot. I thought it was very well done, overlooking the tiny errors.

I can't speak for Jam, though :P
8:55 am | December 25, 2003
NOW, this is why I hate your story . . .

Kidding, I liked it, a lot. I thought it was very well done, overlooking the tiny errors.

I can't speak for Jam, though :P
2:26 am | December 24, 2003
I liked it.

That extra time you spent looking over and correcting really made the difference.

Now just put the people's conversations in a new paragraph and you'll be a great writer.
Agent Shade
4:09 pm | December 23, 2003
PS: i meant no offense when i stated that Jamrius or Hawk might have something else to say, in case someone takes it the wrong way lol

Agent Shade
4:09 pm | December 23, 2003
all that time and thinking was worth it. i'm very impressed, well done. one small problem was that you didn't make a new paragraph when someone new speaks, and simply incorporated the quote with the rest of the paragraph. it can be confusing sometimes. other than that, the level of detail in your writing and your grammar was awesome....people like Jamirus or Hawk might say otherwise, but i liked it. keep writing
