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Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Omega Centauri'

12:59 am | September 7, 2003
Not too shabby.
11:08 am | September 5, 2003
I'm not saying great, but it's okay. I didn't exactly care about the glassing of earth considering the entire human military force is stationed there(or what's left of it). Even with the loses the UNSC forces suffered they would still be a dangerous force. To me at least it doesn't seem likely Earth would get glassed. Then again your story is more unique than some other stories I have read. Your score 8.5
James Kinsella
10:57 am | September 5, 2003
The only reason I glassed Earth was because I was tired of the usual, "We demolished them at Earth." Script. It was becoming old. All my other fanfics are based on it and it's a little boring.
