
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Ishkabibbl'sSotry/Humanity'sLastHope/Bloodywar (Part 2)'

7:17 pm | July 3, 2003
hahah. Ya... At first I thought it was way too fast, also. but either it got slower or I got faster, cuz now it doesnt seem like that but maybe im just used to your writing. Whens the next part gonna come out?
6:00 pm | June 18, 2003
And thats how they got grunts!
Wiley K.
11:00 am | June 18, 2003
Ever read TFoR?(or maybe it is in TF, I dunno) Flash clones are really susceptable to mental disorders and the like; you can't have a bunch of FUBAR-in-the-mind soldiers in your army, now can you?
12:57 am | June 18, 2003
They should have flash-cloned the Spartans; make about a million of the dudes
12:34 am | June 17, 2003
Ever read FoR? Two words....Flash Cloning.
10:46 pm | June 16, 2003
No, it's unbelievable. Meaning Halo is a believable story, but yours isn't. It just doesn't make sense. Referring to the part about UNSC creating Covenant, how could they create a group of races that is more advanced technologically than them? And has more NUMBERS than them? Yeah, makes sense.
9:50 pm | June 16, 2003
The M6D works better as a Hunter Killer...
8:58 pm | June 16, 2003
*Walks up, with Orange Blood on AR and Battle Armor* Done! (^_^) Ick! Hunter Blood, don't wash off easy... (@_@)*Takes out cloth and begins to clean up*
Wiley K.
1:46 am | June 16, 2003
To vinny: It is only fast-paced if you are slow.
Wiley K.
1:44 am | June 16, 2003
I think Ishky just made an insult. Go Ishky!
10:48 pm | June 15, 2003
What version do you have?

I have the newest version and it works wonders.
10:46 pm | June 15, 2003
I hate microsoft word, never catches any errors, and yeah IV is the right number for 4. And to Vinny, we're writing fanfic's, as in you know, not real. Either way, never read a story by you.
9:41 pm | June 15, 2003
SPARTAN III's? What next SPARTAN IV's (is that the correct numereal?)
8:51 pm | June 15, 2003
6/10. Sorry but I think the story is too unbelieveable, and it is too fast-paced for me. You're just whipping along from one part to the next. You have a lot of grammatical errors (i.e. not using commas). Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's Halsey. That doesn't really bother me though.
7:30 pm | June 15, 2003
Hmmmm.... 9.1/10 I like, not love it.... hmmmm... MUST KILL HUNTERS! *Runs off, with Assault Rifle in hand*
2:38 pm | June 15, 2003
I'm going to send in the next part later today.
1:17 pm | June 15, 2003
Very interesring/confusing/good: 9.25/10
