
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Halo:CIS(it was not my idea!) Ch.2'

10:12 pm | June 21, 2004
May god have pity on your soul, you pathetic b*st*rd.
Dave Luck
12:07 am | June 21, 2004

I've seen better, and I've seen worse. The problem with many stories: The Code, and some parts of the Grammar.

The grammar isn't all that bad. Unfortunately, the story is jumbled together with no indentation, leaving it a difficult task to put together.

Normally, I would probably dissect you, but I think the amount of bad grammar on this site has softened the stainless steel on my scientific instruments, as well as the hate-tempered steel of English Class.

I saw that Link that Nick K. Put on. I could have saved myself a whole tank of oxygen and acetaline fuel for the welder with the amount of flames on that one.

- Dave.
CoLd BlooDed
10:17 pm | June 20, 2004
Okay, I have an idea, anyone that writes HORRIBLY should be called a "Dean Albury" wannabe.

Example After Reading a HORRIBLE story:

"Man, you Dean Albury wannabe."

See? It fits.
Nick Kang
1:06 pm | June 20, 2004
Oh well, I've seen worse. Here's the link if anyone cares.
lol, I'm sure the people that were around when it came out remember that!

1:23 am | June 20, 2004
Stop blaming your non-existant cousin for your stupid ideas. And the fact that you can't write seems to compound the again, fact, that the whole damn thing is stupid.
Nick Kang
5:33 pm | June 19, 2004
Bluuuuuuhhhhhh...If you're cousin likes the idea so much, why don't you make him write it himself?

When I was 9, I wrote a 70-somethin page story that I thought was really good. Now that I found this site, I compared it to some other stuff, and realized it really sucked.

CoLd BlooDed
3:45 am | June 19, 2004
I didn't like it, sorry.

Oh, and use the code.

Oh, and taking ideas from your 9-year old cousin is never a good idea. Let him write by himself on this site if he wants to.
Solidus Snake
3:34 am | June 19, 2004
12:52 am | June 19, 2004
anyway, im stopping this, cause my cousin burst into tears(how stupid) when he read the comments.

so, it worked!!!!

also, this was just an experiment to test my writing abilities
12:48 am | June 19, 2004
solidious, trust me, even a nerdy 12th year old wouldnt write this crap (this is revenge on my cousin for putting grease on my roller blades-i crashed into a tree because it was so slippery)

and god, i hate people who insult my attempts at revenge(its genetic, from my dad)
Solidus Snake
10:24 pm | June 18, 2004
Don't talk to Whiley like that. He is right anyways, this is stupid. And why blame it on someone else? Saying its your cousin's idea.
6:48 pm | June 18, 2004
If it wasn't your idea... One has to wonder why you wrote it in the first place. And, don't insult people who actually take the time to comment.
5:49 pm | June 18, 2004
no, cis stands for combat in school, and im trying to steer it towards a comedy.

ty, and wiley is a bi---a--
5:08 pm | June 18, 2004
Is CIS like CSI?
4:55 pm | June 18, 2004
Stupid as anything

1:06 pm | June 18, 2004
I kind of liked it.
