
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Nothing to Lose Part VI'

11:54 am | September 25, 2003
Just how old are you, hornet? I'm 16.
11:54 am | September 25, 2003
Hey, Mainevent, Kill 'em All is the first Metallica CD...
2:24 am | September 25, 2003
I ain't leaving for good. I will be back, and when I am you can expect some kickass stories, but I need a break. Like I said, I'll still stop by from time to time to check in on my favourite stories, but you'll see a lot less of me for a while. Kind of like Wado, only not quite as talented.
8:38 pm | September 24, 2003
I hope that was a spoofer... I'm praying that was a spoofer... DON'T LEAVE US, HORNET34!!! We... *love?* you!
Alpha Lance
8:11 pm | September 24, 2003
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Don't do it Hornet. ='('''''
Alpha Lance
8:11 pm | September 24, 2003
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Don't do it Hornet! ='(
4:01 pm | September 24, 2003
Forerunner, your absolutely right. The whole time I was writing this I was looking to include a scene where one marine gets plowed in the face by a charged up plasma shot. In my rush, I guess I just forgot. Sorry. I'd be more than happy to read yours and Mainevents stories, as well as everyone else that has posted.
4:01 pm | September 24, 2003
I'm sad to announce that this is the end, I'm leaving. I had a great idea for a new fanfic, but after reading the other forums, I feel like I'm the old man of the group (even though I'm still a teenager). So, I guess I'll have to resign myself to writing reasearch papers instead of fanfics. I might stop by from time to time, but don't expect my usual compliment of criticism and help.

3:12 am | September 24, 2003
Good job Hornet. I like the way you realistically described your battles, but one thing I did notice was that you didn't give marine casualties. This would have added to the sense of urgency of the battle but other than that it was good. 9/10
If you would read my story it would be appreciated. I'm a bit rusty since I havn't posted in a while but I still think its a decent story.
Alpha Lance
10:05 pm | September 23, 2003
Great jod Hornet, I never have any thing to complain about your stories. I want to see more from you. Keep it up.

P.S. Thanks for helping me.
9:50 pm | September 23, 2003
Good, then you can start with mah story ya lazy bastad.

9:27 pm | September 23, 2003

Maybe I'll have to write a new ending and send it to you, Mainevent.

Yes, I know, it was rushed, something I am adamently against. But hey, whats the point of setting rules up for yourself if you can't break 'em. My new series should start in a couple weeks. Until then I'm gonna sit back, do some reviewing and reading, and take a break.
6:59 pm | September 23, 2003
Blah blah blah, don't bore me with your morals. KILL! KILL THEM ALL...
5:33 pm | September 23, 2003
Ya, very good Hornet34. The party was kinda interesting, but it wasn't the same original flavor your stories usually have. I'm not saying it wouldn't have happened, but it seemed kinda awkward. Anyway, I still love this series and I'm gonna be sad to see you wrap it up. Hope the next one is gonna be as good. Best wishes, mate.

Semper Fi

3:20 pm | September 23, 2003
Mainevent, if it makes you feel better, they all got ambushed again and wiped out.

Really though, they just survived. They lost the ship and most of the crew, but the point is that they kept fighting even when they saw it was pointless and by sheer luck they were saved.
2:24 pm | September 23, 2003
I could tell you wanted to hurry and finish this, but it was still good. What will happen to 'em?
10:28 am | September 23, 2003

How could you do this *tear*...I wanted them all to die. *Sobs*
