
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Chapters 1-2'

11:42 am | April 18, 2003
oh, and this story was written for school(7th grade) and wasnt graded by how good the story was.
11:27 am | April 18, 2003
thanks for the feedback guys.That one was my rough draft and i couldnt find away to improve it. Next few chapters ill try to make longer and more interesting. oh and it didnt have a title cuz its a sort of demo.
Shadow Spartan
5:56 pm | April 17, 2003
i dunno...no title? really short chapters...spend more time on it and make them longer...what is the name of this fic?
2:00 pm | April 17, 2003
Cortana 1.5? At least look in your neareest resource material and find some name from greek mythology.. this isn't too original. read some other fanfics for ideas.

James Kinsella
1:24 am | April 17, 2003
Good idea, but kinda boring. I hope you'll spend a little more time on the next one's title.
1:19 am | April 17, 2003
good idea and plot, but chapters gotta be longer. and post them one at a time.
8:26 pm | April 16, 2003
This one have a title?
