
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'In the Beginning (hfm)'

12:31 pm | January 22, 2003
What was not better though was the way you handled Diablo's comment. If you can't take trash, don't post anything. YOu will get bad responses though his hardly compares to anything bad. He had a mild comment, hardly anything at all, but you just when all psycho on his ass... Diablo is one of the better reviewrs here, so get over it.
5:14 am | January 17, 2003
Hey halofanman, sorry about the comment, it was meant to be constructive, not insultive(i know i know, thats not a word, lol). I guess I forgot to tell you to keep up the good work, the story was alright, but im sure it will definatly get better as you write more. I hope to see more from ya :D.

appolgy exepted...
3:40 am | January 17, 2003
Well, a good concept, Spartan Is, but(sorry...) the grammar was loacking. It was still, however, better than most of the crap that gets posted here...
2:23 am | January 17, 2003
Hey halofanman, sorry about the comment, it was meant to be constructive, not insultive(i know i know, thats not a word, lol). I guess I forgot to tell you to keep up the good work, the story was alright, but im sure it will definatly get better as you write more. I hope to see more from ya :D.
5:55 pm | January 16, 2003
Hey everyone. Im thinking about starting a fan fic of my own. its still in its preliminary stages, i just need some beta readers to go over it for me, and tell me what i can do to improve before i post. if your interested, e-mail me at Junior488@aol.com, or talk to me at ThreadedAce3 on aim. thanks. oh by the way, I will e-mail you the story so you can read it.
3:11 pm | January 16, 2003
good motto Wado liked it lol
12:31 pm | January 16, 2003
My last comment might have broken something. The site froze up while I was submitting. Louis has been emailed about it.
12:22 pm | January 16, 2003
well, all im going to say is, that title has been used by like two other authors, and why the hell is this post section grey???
4:39 am | January 16, 2003
The plot seemed kinda broken. I was lost as to where they were when the first battle broke out and what the terrain looked like. I want to give some great advice I was given years ago when I first started writing. You have to remeber that us as human being have five senses; touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight. When writing, sight is usually the most important of all the senses. It builds the foundation of all the other senses. The hardest (at least for me) to incorporate when be taste. Not alot of taste senses in war stories except that of blood and MREs (ewww....). Describing a scene in all five senses paints a most vivid picture for the reader, and makes the writer look like a genius. Keep things like that in mind. That and I think the grammar thing got me off a little. Broken sentences and incomplete thoughts. I don't mean to be really critical. I'm trying to give a fellow author some observations about his work to make him a better writer. I hope you would do the same for me.
4:20 am | January 16, 2003
halofanman, diablo is actually one of the better if not one of the best writers here. So if his comment doesn't help much, sorry.

We were trying to figure out how your comment section got broken. There was a really awful comment from an Anonymous poster that I was trying to write a response to when your comment section got truncated.

I was saying that Anonymous lacked refinement and common courtesy in his comment.

The messed up comment section distracted us a bit.

Anyway, Louis will fix up my truncated comment, who knows if the other comments will come back?
2:12 am | January 16, 2003
well, all im going to say is, that title has been used by like two other authors, and why the hell is this post section grey??? quote

thanks for the nice comment jack @ss
11:48 pm | January 15, 2003
Hey hfm, it is probably best that you ignore really awful comments. Writingis a hit or miss thing and you can't always please everyone all the time.I've gotten bad comments on some of my posts too.

Still, there is some value in even bad comments like notes about improvingyour grammar and formatting.

What I'm saying is that some comments can lack a certain tact and commoncourtesy. They go for the real world shock value and that can really hurtpeople's feelings, especially new writers.

As Friedrich Nietzsche said, "Out of life's school of war: What does notdestroy me, makes me stronger."

Anyway, good comments usually say something good about your writing alongwith well thoughtout criticisms. Good comments don't just dwell on the bad.
