
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Fallen Angel: Part 7: The Council'

2:05 pm | March 2, 2003
Louis please let this be only a temporary thing!! =(
4:57 am | March 1, 2003
3:49 am | March 1, 2003
Ha the posty thingy says it's March!Wha, me go to college!,not yet I'am in the 7th grade,but all those tests is because I'am a freakin Texan and we have to take that new test called TAKS instead of TASS I already took the TAKS writing test which was easy.And we still need to take that boring long test stanford 9! And it starts on the 5th of this month.After spring break is the practice TAKS then the real thing.And there goes my science teacher giving us tests almost every day and when I complain she says "your in school so get with the program!"My math teacher is worse off by giving us a shit load of geometric homework (that we'll be taking a test on) and if we don't do it she's going to give us detention!? Oh also my french teacher and her exams.:( :(
1:52 am | March 1, 2003
actually im only in grade 10 but iv been exposed to a lot of stuff on world affairs over the years so i have a fair bit of insight on topics like that.
the next chapter will be slow coming because we just got a new computor and now i have to type it out all over again so be patient.

if anyone wants to contact me email me at cantthinkofname12@hotmail.com
2:03 am | February 27, 2003
Is it just me, or has this particular post been turned in to a forum for random chat?

Fine by me, I agree with that easrlier statement that us Americans are not very educated about other cultures, our ethnocentrisim is almost rivaling that of the Chinese back in the late 1700's.

Considering the tests you people are taking, I guess you're all in college or grad school???

That makes me the only High School freshman. 0.0;
1:52 am | February 27, 2003
7:52 pm | February 25, 2003
if i was bit by a grizzly i probobly woulden't be writing this :)
4:30 am | February 25, 2003
lol i thoguht you were talking about getting bit by a grizzly, i was like "HOLY SHIT!" :D .
9:00 pm | February 23, 2003
parliment cat not grizzly
9:00 pm | February 23, 2003
ya i was there last summer i got bit by one =( BC and Alberta are pretty cool great biking and skiing =)
6:27 pm | February 23, 2003
I was in British Columbia, and Alberta. The glaciers are awsome! We had a grizzly encounter there. A family frined was in an outhouse, near the camp, and people were yelling at her to stay inside, because the grizzly was standing RIGHT in front of the outhouse door. lol. Hey Gruntkiller, have you ever heard of the Parliment(spelling error) Hill cats?
11:55 pm | February 22, 2003
thanks bean for the comment, oh ya if you do go to canada don't go to new brunswick i was there once its possibly the most depressing place in the country instead may i recomend newfoundland great place
3:11 am | February 22, 2003
Hey Gruntkiller your story is still #1,sorry I didn't comment before,I wasn't in town last week and I have all these major tests I have to take starting on the 25th through the end of March! sucks huh? Anyways your Canadian? I am thinking of going there someday.
1:39 am | February 22, 2003
thanks for the comment diablo, those soldiers who killed the teenager were a little on the corrupt side, there currently court marsheled for the incident, most of the time we try to keep the peace though
11:26 pm | February 21, 2003
Hey I did a country report on Canada. Good job on getting the first un-military satallite into orbit. :). I wouldn't be too sure about neutral tho...in the somalian crisis(before rebels attacked US and canadian troops), two Canadian soldiers murdered a somalian teenager, for no appearent reason, but hey, nobody's perfect. I give major props to the Mouties though.;) (ok im rambling now)
7:16 pm | February 21, 2003
ya i only have one statement on that be like us canadians be nutral so nobody realy expects anything from you =) its worked well so far
11:53 pm | February 20, 2003
also, we are always choosing sides(blah blah blah).

I take for one fatal incedent: in the Soviet/Afgan war, we were enemies with the Russians, so we gave the afgans weapons...now back to present time, the Russians are "friendly" to us, and guess who is using US issued weapons??? well wouldya looka dat! :\\
6:49 pm | February 19, 2003
moniter your partialy right people in some extremst groups think america should be run by a dictatorship but the majority of people who are annoyed by you guys is because of how america always seems so ignorant and offensive towards other cultures
5:42 pm | February 19, 2003
Hey Diablo people hate us because of our democratic system they think we should have a dictatorship or they want us to be Islamic. And they also hate us because we are allies with Isreal.
5:39 pm | February 19, 2003
Jihad is like aholy war in Islam. Like the ratical Islam group Hamas.And Bin laden his attacks on the U.S. have been his holy war his Jihad.
6:58 pm | February 18, 2003
i don't know how you thought of that diablo but come to think of it your probobly right
10:38 pm | February 17, 2003
And this is EXACTLY why people in the world hate Americans. Because we're too damn ignorant, and don't understand/respect other people of the world. :|
3:31 pm | February 15, 2003
jihad is not exclusivly muslim
6:51 am | February 15, 2003
hey your next chapter is the final jihad man the covenant aren't muslims.
11:28 am | February 14, 2003
if anyone reads this story please post a comment

oh ya the next chapters going to be a little slow but its all just setting up to the grand finale. yes the series will be finishe dfairly soon in about 5 chapters is my guess
10:54 am | February 14, 2003
thanks for the advice i definitly will try to step it up a notch
2:41 am | February 14, 2003
yah, but it looks like people are becoming more impressed with other fan fics. Writers are improving etc. It looks like you may need to try to step it up a notch gruntkiller, before you are run-out of the race. Just an insight.
10:07 pm | February 13, 2003
i used the arabic because it made sense the covenant are in a holy war with the humans so why not use Jihad which means holy war, there may be some other different words appearing here and there because they add a different mood to the story and make it sound a lot better.
12:38 pm | February 13, 2003
Man it was great, this story needs more attention. I thought it was interesting how you used the arabian word for Holy War(jihad or however you say it)for the title of your next part. I can wait for the next part, just make sure it's good ;).
1:14 am | February 13, 2003
my goal is for it to be the best, the attack on earth won't start next chapter but there will be plenty of stuff happining
9:38 pm | February 12, 2003
its going to be awhile till the next chapter i got a lot of projects due in a couple weeks i got to do, which along with skiing and dealing with any tests that will more then likely come up im not going to have a lot of time to write
7:00 pm | February 12, 2003
good to see your back email me if you need any help
3:27 pm | February 12, 2003
I haven't read it yet, but, im sure it's good. I haven't talked to you two for a while.... It's good to be back. I'm still gonna start a new series... But im making it GOOD this time. But anyways, ill read it. Talk to ya l8tr!
