
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Alpha trilogy [part one]'

12:01 am | November 30, -0001
well, i like it... Could be a little less jumpy, but otherwise great.
Arthur Wellesly
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
Sloppy spelling errors here and there, and a few grammar mistakes. Nothing to get too worried about. But as whoknew said it was a little jumpy... the story didn't flow as nicely as it could have.

Also, just note that twenty lightyears is a huge distance and would likely run into a handful of other stars.

Keep writing.
Alpha Lance
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
You were close to stealing my name "HALO TRILOGY."
AHHHHHHH, no I'm kidin, put that is the name of
my story.
Alpha Lance
12:01 am | November 30, -0001
OHHHHHHH HEEEELLL, I want a advertisment.


A guy name Shadow is a Spartan II in the epic
journey to destroye the Covenant.

Fighting for his home land and to find out his
true name and his true life. No one knows his
real name, after he got elnesia in an exsplotion
killing his only family that was keeping a low
profile. There is no recored on his family, and

Find out his past in "HALO TRILOGY!"
