
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'CTF-Unusual Part1'

1:44 pm | July 22, 2004
Ahhh! Don't tell me who the brethren/betrayer is--I've just gotten to the part where the Keeper enforcers are after Garrett after Caduca was murdered. Not to mention that I hate those damned zombies...even the Hammerite versions creep me out. Okay, enough of this off-topic stuff.

I guess the Thief/Halo crossover isn't going to work out but nice try.
12:39 am | July 21, 2004
It's very obvious and disgusting who the brethren and betrayer is once you get to the Cradle. I hate that place.
Gold Elite
10:05 pm | July 20, 2004
I'm so sad. I can't find Thief-2 anywhere. Anyway, wanna know who the brethren and betrayer, or whatever they call it, is? He/she kills people and takes their image. You'll never guess who she kills.
1:55 am | July 20, 2004
Gold Elite:
That's okay. I am also a Thief fan. I freaked out when Looking Glass Studios folded and it didn't look like the Thief series would continue. I'm in the middle of playing Thief, the Deadly Shadows so I'm in heaven. I love stealth FPS games. Now, if someone would do a third sequel to System Shock...Meanwhile, the countdown continues to Halo 2.
Gold Elite
4:51 pm | July 17, 2004
I think I'll quit this series and start a new one, still with the same characters and MPFF, only Slayer rather than CTF. I suck at CTF, but on slayer, as Chris would say, I owns all.
Gold Elite
4:51 pm | July 17, 2004
I think something might be wrong with my computer. This is only a test
Gold Elite
4:51 pm | July 17, 2004
Something is wrong with my computer
3:03 pm | July 17, 2004
Those were scenes from Thief Gold/ Dark Project. It is actually very strange.
2:58 pm | July 17, 2004
It was, kinda differant. I never played Thief so I got really confused. What was up with the Zombies and women with vines shooting out of her fingers?
Gold Elite
8:47 am | July 17, 2004
Though I will use levels from other games, like Ghost Recon.
Gold Elite
8:40 am | July 17, 2004
Sorry, I didn't mean to make people mad. I am writing an original series, that was just a comedy. I am a Thief freak, and that was gonna bust out of me. Next time my story will be original.
7:35 am | July 17, 2004
I see some very good writing, and some confused writing. I agree with Severian, you have potential. You have got to have your own ideas, and practice your action sequences. I write and rewrite until I get what I want. I almost never get it the first time. Once you can read through your whole story a couple of times without wincing too badly (and any writer knows what I mean) then it is ready.

Find an action writer that paints pictures in your mind with his/her sequences, and find out why their writing works. Louis L'amour, Tom Clancy, and Robert Ludlum are good ones.
Keep writing. It is getting better.

C.T. Clown
1:32 am | July 17, 2004
I haven't seen any potential yet, Jessica, because you have yet to write a story on your own... I'll tell you what's up when you do.
12:36 am | July 17, 2004
Serverian! You never said that i had potential!! You little cock-biting SOB! LoL, Jks Jks

10:05 pm | July 16, 2004
See, your writing is certainly good... Riddled with only a few mistakes. However, your lack of originality pisses me off. Why? Because I see potential, and I am angry to see it wasted on such a piece of shit.
10:03 pm | July 16, 2004

You ripped everything out of Thief, didn't you? Just added some futuristic touches to it, changed some names, bla bla blah...

My question: CTF what? What the fuck does this have to do with Halo, or CTF?

Make your own goddamn plot, stop ripping off stories of other games
Gold Elite
8:49 pm | July 16, 2004
And he was only shaking because he's tough and because he's half angry, half braindead
Gold Elite
8:42 pm | July 16, 2004
Good enough for a part 2?
8:04 pm | July 16, 2004
Plus a few key differences
6:50 pm | July 16, 2004
Yeah, this is just those scenes in Thief Gold/Dark Project. Only thing different it was less medieval and more furturistic, in one part anyway.
5:11 pm | July 16, 2004
your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries! you tilly king!
Slit Throat
1:17 pm | July 16, 2004
"And now for something completely different."

I think he'd be more than shaking in pain if his eye was torn out.

8/10 for pure weirdness.
12:32 pm | July 16, 2004

