
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Starship Daybreak Part 2: Welcome to Nowhere and Grievance'

6:53 pm | January 13, 2003
ok i just put that thing in there to see how youd answer
Galmdring FoeHammer (The Author)
1:48 pm | January 13, 2003
The pilot's term of oxygen based means "suitable for humans" not that it's actually oxygen based.
Galmdring FoeHammer (The Author)
1:45 pm | January 13, 2003
Well, I figure that in the future they'd use some sort of super conducting thingy that doesn't need to consume oxygen, kind of like the coils on an electric stove... but hotter, and bigger, and more closed in to the body... slowy closing, crushing them and turning them slowly into ashes (but still faster than modern day cremations) and that's my theory... Thanks for the input.
8:57 pm | January 12, 2003
a lot better then the first, a lot more interesting too, a got to agree with dispraiser how could they cremate the bodies without fire fire needs oxygen and they need oxygen to survive. also i noticed that when you discribed the planet they wer heading to that you said it had an oxygen based planet, pure oxygen kills, you need nitrogen, oxyhen is only about 16% of the atmosphere on earth nitrogen is 79% oxygen hasd to be dilluted greatly before it is usable by humans
1:50 am | January 12, 2003
Great story!Loved it, keep writing.
7:54 pm | January 11, 2003
MUCH better than the first half. But they can't make a little cigar fire but they can cremate people? Doesn't that need fire? hehehehe!
