
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Marines Rifle Prayer'

7:24 pm | July 21, 2004
I'd say you need to be at least 6 years old to watch it. You know get them tough at a young age so they'll be Spartans when they grow up.

"How tall are you private?"
"Sir, five foot nine, sir."
"Five foot nine? I didn't know they stacked sh## that high."
6:02 pm | July 21, 2004
Above 13? What are you? Blind? deaf? Dumb?

At least 15 or 16 for Full Metal Jacket.... Unless you watch the Sopranos...then you can watch anything hehe

"Wipe that grin off your face or so help me God I will rip your eyes out...and skull-fuck you!"

ah, maybe a 7/10
5:45 pm | July 21, 2004
Yeah that's were I got it. I love the Drill Instructor.
7:01 am | July 21, 2004
This is just like the creed out of Full Metal Jacket. Sorry, but its not really original. Maybe use it in one of your stories as some character-building material; that would be better suited.

"What is your major malfuction?!"
"Four inches, Pyle, FOUR INCHES!"

A must see movie. I recommend it to anyone who is at least thirteen or older.
CoLd BlooDed
7:39 pm | July 19, 2004
It was okay, not one of my favored poems here on HBO, but still a good try.
6:05 pm | July 19, 2004
Well it was, for the marines. I guess I should have put more Halo in it.

This is my needler.
There are many dead grunts who had one but this one is mine.
I shot straighter than them so now they are dead.
Solidus Snake
1:46 am | July 19, 2004
It was kinda corny to me. Rather use pistol:

This is my pistol, this is my gun
I'll shoot them motherfuckers;
in the head
Until they are dead!
Hell yeah its for fun
8:15 pm | July 18, 2004
This is my rifle, this is my gun
This is for shooting, this is for ...


someone that you dont know
7:46 pm | July 18, 2004
Oh yes, it isnt exactly accurate to the real thing
4:26 pm | July 18, 2004
should have put a little Halo on it.

someone that you dont know
3:41 pm | July 18, 2004
Nice, nice. Very good. If it werent a plot filler, I would have labeled it as "Not Halo related" but still good.
