
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Flight To Reach - part one : Takedown'

1:10 pm | July 1, 2004
Helljumper, do you have a clue on why this place is swamped with angry n00bs?

No wonder Louis Wu made that comment a few updates ago...

Helljumper doesn't "own" the ODST, but he is a walking library of knowledge about them. If you try to write a story, it is good if the facts are straight...

BTW, I don't think that this is the best story, but it has potential, especially if it isn't rushed, and if it got that way of writing that really good stories have.
6:39 pm | June 30, 2004
damn good story, dude.
and i think helljumper is a noob- so stfu
Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
6:30 pm | June 30, 2004
helljumper = spammer

and i didnt realise that Grunt was capital

and i also relalise that i was very stupid: I forgot that the story was set before halo, and didnt mention and other spartans. I really screwed up and i think i'll have a really hard time working them in, especialy as they always work in groups.

one more thing - i kinda know the code, but i was in a rush when i uploaded it, and i used indents in word, and didt realise that i hadnt done it. Hehe, you can see the fantastic italics highlighting on the name of the ship.

okay, three more things... please comment on the story rather than bickering (you can bicker, but a sentence on the story is appreciated), and i should have the next story done by the end of this week.
11:38 am | June 30, 2004
the Code

Italics: To italicize a block of text, place a [i] before it and a [/i] after it.

Bold: To make text bold, place a [b] before it and a [/b] after it.

Paragraph Indent: To indent a paragraph, simply place a [indent] at the start of it. (Do NOT hit return after this code; if you do, the indent will be invisible on the line ABOVE the paragraph.)

Horizontal Rule: To place a horizontal rule in your story, simply place a [hr] on a line by itself in the location you'd like the rule to appear.
The NEW Zak
4:03 pm | June 29, 2004
Yeah, really, you don't "own" them. You're not the only one who can write about them.(Though they do have a special personality and a special way they act.)
1:35 pm | June 29, 2004
Bonecrusher, there is something seriously wrong with u

3:23 am | June 29, 2004
Damitt Helljumper! Shut the fuck up about "your" ODST. If he wants to have "your" ODST in his story you cant tell him not to. In fact I encourage him to include them just to piss you off.
7:46 pm | June 28, 2004
you mentioned ODST but in an okay way but keep them out of your story.

7:44 pm | June 28, 2004
I refuse to read until u use the code and capitalize Master Chief and Grunt.

