
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Earth's Darkest Hour'

MC's cousin
10:03 pm | February 8, 2004
Well well. More on Earth.
I see you can mentally orchestrate a gymnastics act with Elites, touching.
Fair storyline, but your style is a little off. You use to many names, like every sentence, that can make a story drone on. Try working on that. Also, the way you put your sentences together just doesn't flow very well, plus the story passes a little fast, need more basic details, not little tiny ones, that what the immagination of the readers is for. Good overall though, keep it up.

Signing Off

John 117
4:25 pm | February 4, 2004
Its a great story, should have been longer, but really good. I hope it is a series.
Soundvirus (aka person)
3:11 am | February 4, 2004
Nice story! At first I thought that Raziel or whatever his name is was a human. That doesnt really matter. Is this a series?

Well anyway I rate this part 8/10. Its cool :D
