
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Bravo Company pt 1: Time to Work'

11:24 am | May 9, 2004
I thought it was cool. But don't worry about hashing out swear words on this site! Just write them out and don't feel bad about it!

No one
8:51 pm | May 6, 2004
It's a good story but unrealistic like only 156 marines and all in 9 pelicans. It seems to be the smallest company. Look in the second book Lt.Mckay has more troops. Also you took lots of expressions from other places like the game. Try to make your own.
Mr. Bill
12:41 am | May 6, 2004
"Ok, I am very bored, very tired, and thoughts are racing about my tiny mind. I decided to write a fan-fic. I don't want any flaming or hate messages,"

Then you shouldn't be writing Fan Fiction.
Solidus Snake
8:45 pm | May 5, 2004
Uh...what he said.
5:45 pm | May 5, 2004
Fiist of all learn to use the code. Your story looked ragged and not in any reasonable formation. when u submit your story and it shows you what it will look like, that should tell u to fix it. 9 Pelicans only seat 90 marines 10 marines each. so 156 Marines would need 16 Pelicans. There wasn't enough details. we want details so that we care about the characters. the story seemed rushed. take it slow thats why there are series so u don't have to put everything in one post.
MCC back me up here.

