
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Eldar Counsels Log Epilgoue Pt.1-Dreams of Eternity'

Blue Angel
3:29 am | February 10, 2004
who the f*** are you and why are you reading.
God go to college or something get a friggen degree in writing and language or somthin you dumb- and the rest so on.
12:08 pm | February 7, 2004
WDF has this got to do with Halo?
Blue Angel
6:58 am | February 4, 2004
oh yes plz give your comments the really inspire me to write more and irrotate you more and more to the point you come up here to alaska and shoot me with a double barrel shot gun...eheheheheheeh thats funny. so- comments and more ty.:)
see next time in the lovely neighbourhood.
Blue Angel
6:42 am | February 4, 2004
will kids im baaaaaaaaaack! :)

yeah yeah i know the grammar and the spelling and the puncuation and so on and so forth. oh will hope you enjoy and get even more confused then before.
see in the next one tah tah for now!:)

oh yeah i read some of your stories and i have to say quite good if you ask me. cant say which but i will in future dates.
