
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Final Thoughts-Words Before Battle'

Rogue Angel
7:12 pm | September 8, 2003
What can I say, Poetic.
Alpha Lance
12:03 am | September 6, 2003
Sweet! Another peom writter like me, 9.5/10.

Alpha Lance
Creator of Halo Trilogy©
11:26 am | September 5, 2003
I like it, by the way are you going to continue with your flood series? 9.3
1:33 am | September 5, 2003
ya, you should have made this a poem format if it was meant to be a poem. 9.5/10, and I'm glad you included the rebel yell.
10:26 pm | September 4, 2003
Nice to see that someone realizes that Marines think and are sometimes afraid versus the ones that run into a room, take fifteen plasma shots and kille three dozen Elites as plague most other fanfics. I can't say this is original, nothing that isn't included in some of the btter fanfics along with a plot and conditional fears, but it is better than a lot of the crap that gets posted here...

8.7 of 10. A point off for origianlity and .3 for not indenting.
