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Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Derelict: Shadows of Threshold'

4:39 am | May 2, 2004
whoops, bad spelling.
4:35 am | May 2, 2004
I did start playing on legendary, that's why I died in thiryt seconds.I was on the PoA and got asswiped by a bonch of grunts and a few elites.
2:00 am | May 2, 2004
Halo was the second level my friend and I played on Legendary. incidentally, my name is Marl, and his is Fang. Anyway, we died two times, give or take a thousand, so we stood back, killed each other a bunch, then used the new plasma pistols to stand back and go boom from a safe distance.
10:10 pm | May 1, 2004
The first level I played on Legendary was Halo. I got shit-smacked so hard on the first building where 10 dropships land I just gave up. I went back, beat that SOB level, and then I went onward. Legendary is now easy to me.
9:27 pm | May 1, 2004
First level I played on legendary was the Maw on companion mode. My friend and I played that one level so much, legendary almost seems too easy.
MC's Cousin
12:50 pm | April 30, 2004
Well, I wish I had just started Halo on Legendary from the beginning. I know people who play a game through on the hardest difficulty their first time through, and man, you try playing them in MP. They absolutely kick ass...not to say that I don't as well.

Signing Off

11:27 am | April 30, 2004
the first time i played on legendary, i was dead in thirty seconds
7:12 pm | April 29, 2004


I believe.
1:55 pm | April 29, 2004
Nice title.

Nick Kang
1:17 pm | April 29, 2004
lol, The first time I played legendary on PoA, all of the Marines in the mess hall were dead before I even got there...

MC's Cousin
12:52 pm | April 29, 2004
I see someone beat me to two of the comments.

Yes, all of the Helljumpers that we know of got down by means of their HEVs. They landed and regrouped. And yes, only a few people made it off the POA in dropships. If you want to go by what some people inply. Their should only be two Pelicans in the bay. But I disagree, there were more than two Pelicans, the game and second book bare testiment to that.

"What you have for lunch?"
"You need pie."

Well, you definetely need to learn the code. That was a little choppy. And you stuck a whole lot of characters in there at one time, each in a different place and only one paragraph to introduce them. That was not good.

As for your Marines. It would seem like we have another instance of the "invincible n00b-Marines". They would try to mercy-less-ly kill them, but they wouldn suceed. Have you ever played the game on Legendary? Then you know your Marines you fight along side don't last very long against the Covies.

Signing Off

1:35 am | April 29, 2004
according to halo: The flood, all the Helljumpers went in by HEV, the surving marines went in by escape pods, and only a few Pelicans made it off the Pillar of Autumn. they weren't as ready as u make them seem in the story, but it was still good, but proofread.


by using Helljumpers in your story, i will be watching you very closely
Nick Kang
7:51 pm | April 28, 2004
They didn't have magnums during the Pillar of Autumn's time...
Other than that it was pretty good.

