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Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Battle For Sigma Octanus 3'

2:53 am | February 26, 2003
WTF? I just clicked the "Read/Post Comments" link for no reason at all (Knowing i was banned), and it let me in!! Anyway that's besides the point. Nice story man.
6:04 pm | February 22, 2003
Most of the chapters in this series are short besides the next one.
4:50 pm | February 22, 2003
too short.
10:54 pm | February 17, 2003
Very descriptive...few spelling errors, missing puncuation, but keep it coming!

Rating: 8/10
7:11 pm | February 16, 2003
Mutated I would like to point out that there have been numerous authors who've used different systems.
5:53 am | February 16, 2003
More to come.
5:35 am | February 16, 2003
Not my best fan fic.
2:46 am | February 16, 2003
*nods in replie to what monitor101 said*
6:51 pm | February 15, 2003
My best wishes to Brian Morden's family.
1:34 am | February 15, 2003
Nike whatever
1:12 am | February 15, 2003
monitor101, I said I DID read the book.
Pilot 415
11:39 pm | February 14, 2003
Well this story is still very possible because the term firebase means temp base or forward base and the base in the story sounds like a prettey sturdy base built pre-covenant war and in the book firebases alpha and bata could have been more like camps than actual bases they seem more like covenant obsticales than full fledge bases therefore if i haven't proven the possibility of this fan fic i don't know what could and besides a few errors this was a good fan fic.
Traumatised Marine
9:42 pm | February 14, 2003
True, but the best part of writing fan fic is trying to fill the gaps in peoples' knowledge...
8:39 pm | February 14, 2003
Hey Nike if you want to know anything about halo then read the book.
8:37 pm | February 14, 2003
In the book it said that 1500 marines died no crap there was a hellalot more marines.
8:35 pm | February 14, 2003
Hey matt I've probably read fall of reach twice as many times as you have and I know about firebase bravo and Alpha where the spartans came in. My story doesn't exactly follow fallofreach but oh well.
5:41 pm | February 14, 2003
No big deal, check if you like
5:32 pm | February 14, 2003
I've never noticed that. And I have read the book.
3:02 pm | February 14, 2003
If you read the Fall of Reach then you should know that there were a hell of a lot more marines than 300. Also Cote d' Azure was already in covenant hands before the marines got there. The Command post was one of the first things that got destroyed when the Covenant assault on the Marine Alpha Headquarters began. If you are wondering why I am saying "Alpha" it is because there was also a Marine outpost called "Firebase Bravo." Don't get me wrong I am not all critizism, this is overall a good fan fic.
8:55 pm | February 13, 2003
Whew, boy. I'm back. Again. And I was not on vacation. Now then...

Score: 9/10.

Pros: Same as last.

Cons: You need to capitalize the names of the vehicles.
Mutated Elite
2:48 am | February 13, 2003
Why doesn't anyone use other names of star systems besides sigma octanus? I mean, that's all anyone ever uses!
10:39 pm | February 12, 2003
hey toanyone who reads this for some damn reason i posted chapter 2 again so no need to read it sorry.
