
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Halo2: The Covenant Wars'

David Li
12:42 pm | February 4, 2004
Pretty nice work Thomas. I'll meet you in calls tomorrow. And don't be cussing 'cause you know you're in 7th grade
David Li
12:42 pm | February 4, 2004
Pretty nice work Thomas. I'll meet you in calls tomorrow. And don't be cussing 'cause you know you're in 7th grade
Thomas Harper
1:48 pm | January 31, 2004
thanks UNSC-StaffSGT, ur in the marines or something arnt u? lol thanxs!
7:32 pm | January 26, 2004
Missile launcher, rocket launcher, same difference
a rocket is a un-guided missile, so THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE
7:16 pm | January 26, 2004
Good except for ONE big screw-u: when a Master Chief Petty Officer(who is equal to a Master Sergent in the infantry branches) addresses a Sergent(which converted to Naval ranks is a Petty Officer i think) as "sir", the chief out-ranks the guy a full FOUR ranks so it doesnt work, even if the sarge has tactical command, a higher ranking soldier would address the man in charge by his rank, not by the term "sir"

Example: if i had tactical command on some op(use my name rank Staff Sergeant) and i had Chief with me but I lead the op he would not address me as "sir" he would more likely address me as "Sergeant" or "Staff Sergeant"
The Author
10:05 pm | January 13, 2004
srry walker. had a bad day and srry bout all the mistakes and o boy am i stupid i can belive i sadi that the MC "mouthed" a thank you becuase no one could see him! srry! o and i apoligize to anyone that i got mad at or anything and thanks to ALL of u for ur suggestions
9:54 am | December 21, 2003
It's not nice to snap at your critics . . .

The Jackhammers are not "missile launchers"; they fire "rockets". Yes, there is a difference.

Ergh, the Sergeant/MC conversation is almost too painful to read.

I doubt the MC would hop into a Pelican without checking his weapons. Having it empty made no sense.

'Piss-Poor' is spelt wrong.

An assault rifle wouldn't be much use for sniping. . .

"Mumbled the Master Chief when he realized that it was just a stray fur ball that humans call a cat."

Umm, "that humans call a cat"? The MC is human, you know.

"FoeHammer" is spelt 'forhammer'

How could the MC 'mouth' anything from behind his polorized visor?

I bet Walker could write a much more accurate story than this one. In fact, I'll put my Grunt Plushy on it.

5/10 for innaccuracy
The Author [Thoams Harper]
2:41 pm | December 19, 2003
sorry posted my comment on the wrong one i think.
The Author [Thomas Harper]
2:19 pm | December 19, 2003
yes i have read The Flood and the other halo book too. its called The Fall of Reach. Its another jenkins. and thanks Howard The Duck for the info and u too SaGe ScOrPiOn. o and walker the dipshit shut up i no how to spell it was just a mistake. not like u could do any better.
Capo Rip
5:12 am | December 19, 2003
Some OTHER things:
o Was there a female marine or not? You wrote "guys and girls", but then made a crack about girls chatting.
o You seem to have the Chief carrying an "assault" rifle, a new kind of shotgun and two sub-machine guns. Also, I assume your "MA7B" is the battle rifle, since assault rifles are unsuitable for sniper work.
o The Chief "mouths" a thank you to a marine? Is he wearing his MJOLNIR or not? The marine wouldn't be able to see his mouth.
4:23 am | December 19, 2003
*Cough*it's spelled "sergeant"*cough*
11:26 pm | December 18, 2003
7/10 That was a pretty inaccurate story. MC would defindently out rank a SARGENT
4:30 am | December 18, 2003
Hey, I'm only 14 and I learned that when I was 6.
Howard the Duck
6:18 pm | December 17, 2003
I really dont expect you to know this, not being in the military,but I'll point it out for future reference.

A Master Chief outranks a sargeant by several levels and would never call one "sir." It would be the other way around. It would have been more realistic with a Marine Captain (not to be refused with Navy Captain who is many ranks above a Marine Captain) or a Major.
SaGe ScOrPiOn
6:06 pm | December 17, 2003
Not bad, but one thing that you need to know about writing is that each piece of dialogue is it's own paragraph, and there is no space between the quote marks ("...") and the actual dialogue. For example:
Wrong: " Hey man. " Bob said." What's up? "Joe replied
Right: "Hey man" said Bob.
"What's up?" Joe replied.
Other than that, it was good. Not great, but good. And Brute blood is not orange, it's the same as Elite and Jackal blood, not Hunter blood.
5:10 pm | December 17, 2003
action backed
