
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'RoF: Ring of Fire Parts 1,2, & 3'

3:52 pm | March 30, 2003
Tragically, I don't think I'll be continuing this series either.

2:51 am | March 29, 2003
Well, my imagination is constantly getting away from me. I thought it would be ironic to have a computer system to become human, have the legendary Pillar of Autumn be recreated, and so forth. But, obviously, this is turning into a problem...

::SIGH::: I'm just an inexperienced wirter for this site, but I refuse to give up...(Ugh, I sound like a stupid politician...I sicken myself.)

3:04 am | March 27, 2003
The things you complained about where hardly the point... None of those things would have come true besides maybe the cortana to flesh thing, but they all added to the story... I think...
Traumatised Marine
12:49 pm | March 24, 2003
TheRedFaction, it goes without saying that this is a wonderfully fluent piece of writing, so do you mind if I try to make some 'constructive points'?
Well, first off, they aren't called Pelican Echoes, it just happens that Echo 419's designation is 'Echo.'
And, 'The Pillar of Autumn X'? Cortana turned to flesh? The Covenant rebuilding Halo?
OK, most people will probably see nothing wrong with these, but it does give the impression of, 'gripping the Halo game' a tad too much.
Don't be afraid to jump a little bit into the greyer areas of the Halo universe and writing a bit of it yourself.
And I flinched at trying to envision a single 'guy' taking down a hundred Covies... um, unless he was a Spartan of course. Was he?

But then, praise has got to go to that little bit of consolation Cortana gave, ('People on Earth could live their lives and not worry about their deaths coming in the distant future'. At last! Emotional sap that actually means something! Great!) and the 'melting the Garrisons badge into a bullet to fire into the Covenant leader's head.' That was brilliant.

Well written, with some parts which I thought were outstanding. The only possible nit-picking niggle is the 'gripping' factors and names from the game.
1:02 am | March 24, 2003
Well, nicholas, I wanted to get my stories in as soon as possible so I wouldn't have to do with the wait. DeathRain, however, got approved in just a few hours. I was genuinely surprised.

8:12 pm | March 23, 2003
Nice story. But I have 1 piece of advice. Try not to do two stories at the same time [this and Chaotic Reign] because it gets confusing to fans of the story.
4:57 pm | March 23, 2003
To TM:


Thanks for the support...I know it got pretty stupid at first, but hey, everytime someone sends in their first story, it's not gonna be gold, is it? I knew it wasn't going to be great, so I was willing to get flamed if it happened.
About Lieutenant James Garrison:

Yes, he was a SPARTAN, and I think it shocked a few people (maybe it didn't) when he got killed halfway through. But hey, you can die in the game, right? Why not in the story?

Cortana's speech and Carter's "badge-melting-to-a-bullet" thing were both inspired from video games and movies. I changed it around a lot, so it wasn't stealing the ideas of others. But thanks, TM, for the comments.

4:57 pm | March 23, 2003
To TM: Yeah, I know they aren't called 'Pelican Echoes', but I wanted it to be different from what the game has set. Start a whole fleet of Pelican 'Echoes'. Most people, I can tell, don't really approve of how I've changed things around, but I like being different.

Yeah, those names of mine are bizzare, but...oh well. Imaginations vary by person.

4:56 pm | March 23, 2003
To Dispraiser:

Yes, I do intend on continuing it, just not right now.

5:59 am | March 23, 2003
Is it over or will there be another? This one is much better than the other which was already above mere okayness...
5:59 am | March 23, 2003
I mean, I know that this part is over... But how can you end it... Continue it somehow...
3:49 am | March 23, 2003
Bungie would be proud.
8:48 pm | March 22, 2003
Okay, last time I respond to my work. This one took me weeks to finish. Judge it at will.

