
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Other Ones: Awakenings'

CoLd BlooDed
11:31 am | May 29, 2004
...or it makes them sound frightened, that's the strategy I use in my current series.
6:14 am | May 26, 2004
I'm 12 and use swearing in my writing. I don't use swearing too much though otherwise the characters do start sounding like teens.
Peace Out!
CoLd BlooDed
10:21 pm | May 25, 2004
Frost Bite, it doesn't matter if stories have swearing in them. I'm thirteen, and just check out my most recent chapter of The Strive to Survive, a whole shit ass hell bunch of swearing.
Nick Kang
6:36 pm | May 25, 2004
I don't care of the stories swear...with some of my friends, almost every other word that comes out of their mouth is a swear word.

Frost Bite
4:24 pm | May 25, 2004
Down uber quoter. I was mearly saying that maybe this ships systems are different then the others, it could have been a experimental cryotube for high hazard missions and or long voyage senarious in which the Ai would take control of the ships system regulation and personel upkeep.
MC's Cousin
1:17 pm | May 25, 2004
I just go on the facts given to us in the books and the game. And reasonable speculation in the HSP.

Signing Off

MC's Cousin
1:17 pm | May 25, 2004
Oh, plus you have to be woken from the outside. First they have to un-freeze you. Then get the chemicals out of your system. Then wake you up, and get you out.
In H:FS it says the the other two people in the cryo-tubes died because their tubes sstopped working and they, kinda thawed dead. There's a proceedure that just has to be followed. But for a comedy, I suppose it might me ok, for now...

Signing Off

Frost Bite
12:14 pm | May 25, 2004
??? ummmm... cousin... you do realize that cryo tubes and the spartan 2 project are fake right... who's to say there isn't an emergency escape button... I'd want one.

Nice story but try to cut back on the swearing... we have 12 & 13 year olds reading here.
MC's Cousin
8:02 pm | May 23, 2004
Well, it seemed to be an attempt at a comedy. Pointless, to say the least.
Your characters sound like teenagers.
Oh, and yes, as DeathSquadTrooper already mentioned, please do us all the favor and use the code.

By the way, you can't open your own cryo-tube. And there is no such thing as that button you mentioned. But seeing as this is a comedy, who cares? I do...

Signing Off

5:49 pm | May 23, 2004
"The CODE" use the Code young writer
2:54 pm | May 23, 2004
Sick it sickens me ahhhhhhh. Overall it was good.
