
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Master Chief Chronicles'

Capo Rip
5:28 am | January 27, 2004

That was crap.
5:14 am | January 16, 2004
Ha. Ha. Ha ha. Look, I truly wanted to like this, but the format sucked Covenant ass. And didn't you say the Master Chief's helmet was OFF? If so, how come Cortana was speaking to him? She's not actually inside his BRAIN you know, just in his helmet!!

It didn't say anywhere that he put the helmet back on, so Cortana shouldn't be saying shit!

Bah, I read all of this and I thought it was crap. There was no proper grammer either!! Why don't you make a story where the Chief has sex with an Elite? THAT'LL be entertaining..
Alpha Lance
12:06 pm | January 15, 2004
Eww... I'm not reading THAT... sorry, better make it to where it looks all nice and not all bunchuplikethis.
8:21 am | January 14, 2004
Does Louis really read the fan-fiction? I guess he does, where else would it go before it was posted?(rhetorical question)

Looking at huge blocks of text hurts my head. . .
3:36 am | January 14, 2004
It started out as one of those two lines at a time things, and then they got into it and finally put it all together and submitted it.
3:24 am | January 14, 2004
I couldn't even read the story it was so bunched up.
12:44 pm | January 13, 2004
I told them that before they submitted it.

They didn't listen.
Steve Ollett
12:33 pm | January 13, 2004
I started to read this but by the time I got to the fourth line I gave up.


No formatting! It is so hard to follow the story when it all merges into one huge paragraph!
