
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Battle for Foothold: Requiem for John-117(coded)'

4:03 pm | May 9, 2004
Pretty good...Few errors here and there, otherwise fine. The line breaks were useless for some parts, so watch those. Keep it up though, Im sure this story could be a very good one around here. 7/10.
11:18 am | May 9, 2004
Good story!
The Razor
8:15 pm | May 7, 2004
...I don't know what to think.

Mr. Bill
12:36 am | May 6, 2004
I'm still wondering when that fomula will get old :- P
9:23 pm | May 5, 2004
Same old same old. Senseless screaming, a Pelican, the Master Chief, and even the same starting point, in the heat of combat. 8/10
8:24 pm | May 5, 2004
Mr brother told me to. His story got told to use codes, so he told me to use it.
7:03 pm | May 5, 2004
Yeah why can't you put 2 together?

Anyway, the writing was excellent but it needs some serious editing. By the looks of it you wrote the whole thing on the internet processer.

8/10 one mark off because nobody's perfect, one mark off for poor editing.
5:22 pm | May 5, 2004
whats with the seperating lines?
i know, to seperate the characters, or something,
but why can't u put 2 together?
