
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Halo 2: Operation Dream Knife (Capte1: Pegasus Facility)'

Nick Kang
2:54 pm | June 18, 2004
The n00bs are gonna work at McJohnsons!

CoLd BlooDed
11:49 am | June 18, 2004
Smart ones getting rich? I sure hope so.

n00bs are all going to work at McDonalds or some other fast-food restaurant... WITHOUT THE PEOPLE SKILLS! :O:O:O:O
Nick Kang
8:56 pm | June 17, 2004
Oh, and Gallagher, sometimes it's good to be smart. In today's world, the smart people are gonna be the ones that get rich. Where will you be during that time?

Nick Kang
8:54 pm | June 17, 2004
I never said grenades blew up walls...I said they shake 'em.

5:40 pm | June 16, 2004
o great helljumper is right
5:40 pm | June 16, 2004
to NK:
I apologized to him. So stfu, smartass
10:57 pm | June 15, 2004
sorry nick i gotta correct you. Fragmentation grenades are designed to explode and send shrapenal in all directions. They don't blow up walls. The force fromt he explosion might shake the wall, maybe losen a piece, the shrapenal might take out chunks of it, but they don't deciment like you said.

Nick Kang
7:21 pm | June 15, 2004
Grenades definitely don't have as much power as an Abrams. Grenades are used primarily as an anti-infantry weapon, making it easier to take out enemies that have taken cover behind objects or dug in above a cliff. If a bad guy took cover behind, say, a wall, and you tossed a grenade behind it, it would blow the dude away, and maybe shake the wall. Now if you fired an Abrams at the wall, the bad guy, wall, and surrounding three feet of area wouold be totally decimated.

Wow, a very complicated answer to an insult.

4:53 pm | June 15, 2004
sry. didn't read the story. helljumpers right, u know.
4:51 pm | June 15, 2004
Helljumper, stfu. then, grenades might weigh as much as a ounce, but have more firepower than a abrams tank bullet. plus, u ain't no "superwriter" in the first place, so don't make fun of his writing.

note:good job writing. u ain't a superwriter, helljumper, but u got some good skills
System Failure
7:46 pm | June 14, 2004
The qoutes part is due to the fact that i forgot to do italics. The thoughts were supposed to be like that , making it easer to read. As for super soilder, well he is in the specail weapons facility, hint, hint.
Nick Kang
7:42 pm | June 14, 2004
Well...not as good as your stories usually are, and it got pretty repetitive. He was carrying WAY too many grenades, and try to make use of the comma a bit more.

Tip: Another word for 'clip' is 'magazine.'

2:47 pm | June 14, 2004
hmmm... a one man army. or an army of one. sorry the commercial was just on. Yea he seemed too much like a super solider and he was carrying way too many grenades and the such. They would weigh him down and hard to control when moving. You should re read your story to make sure that the action flows smoothly.

Some Guy
11:56 am | June 14, 2004
Dude your stories are fucking awesome but u need to writre another story to tell us what happens to Tim, butotherwise sweet.
343 Salty Beans
4:48 am | June 14, 2004
What is up with all the impersonations lately?

Disclaimer: The last comment was in no way alluding to Gallagher's and Some Guy's apparent misdirection.

Dis-Disclaimer: Note Sarcasm.

Anyway, poor grammar. You should definitely work on that one. Remember when the rules said to meet basic 3rd grade english requirements? Too many run-on sentences, no quotes, etc.

This isn't some chat room, despite the way some people write in their fan fics. It's a little like writing a short, unpublished book. So work on grammar. I think if the story was a little better represented grammar-wise and detail-wise, you could have a helluva story.


PS: gee, for some, unimaginable reason, some guy reminds me a lot of twinkie. I can't say this for sure, though. If he denies it with insults and alludes to some story called "The Blue Monkey", tell him to go to hell.
8:36 pm | June 13, 2004
