
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Halo 2: Operation Dream Knife (Chapter 1: Orbital Gun)'

1:08 am | May 4, 2004
Not bad. Spelling could use a little work, simple things like "th(the)" and the such. Other than that it was a little bit short, but that's okay. I wonder if he blows up when he crashes. That would be sweet.
System Failure
6:45 pm | May 2, 2004
Read the last three sections as a whole chapter by hitting: REad THis Series. The next section is the begining of chapter two.

Nick Kang
3:38 pm | May 2, 2004
Really good. Although I'm not really sure who this series is about, and it seemed like towards the end you were kinda running outta gas.

snowy duck
3:36 pm | May 2, 2004
that was very good, i usualy don't like space battles, but this was great. good job
2:13 pm | May 2, 2004
Wow pretty good story. So i'm assuming that the longswords are stationed at the orbital gun instead of a carrier
