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Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Halo 2: Operation Dream Knife (Chapter 1: Sensor Post)'

Nick Kang
2:38 pm | April 28, 2004
Yeah, romac, let's review the facts:

1. Do I ever say 'Nick Kang remember the name?'

2. I use 'NK' at the end of each post.

3. Why would I say your story's good and then say it sucks?

4. Do I ever use bad grammar in my comments?

5. The imposter said 'ODST sucks'. Not that I would ever say it, cause Helljumper's a good author, but I would say Helljumper sucks.

6. Is it possible to spell 'bastard' wrong?

7. I know by far I am not the best author on the site.

8. To my knowledge, I don't think I've ever even read stuff by HunterKiller.

So that comment was posted around the time an imposter of me was prowling the FF section, and you don't put 2 and 2 together...why?

CoLd BlooDed
1:44 am | April 27, 2004
Romac, think for a second.

If someone was being an imposter by using Nick Kang's name, don't you find that a little suspicious? Besides, his (as in the imposters)comment is a wee bit... stupid.

I mean, he spelt my name wrong, and the REAL Nick Kang knows how to spell my name properly. ;)

Don't get too worked up, Romac, that last comment on "Defending America" wasn't from Nick Kang - the real one, that is.
11:09 am | April 26, 2004
Hey Nick Kang:

Guess what!?
I was checking the comments page on my story Defending America, and I saw your nasty little comment about my story, you said "Your story sucks butt". Well Nick, you just about crossed the line. Dont believe me about the comment, type in Defending America on the Fan Fiction Search. How dare you. Stupid Fruitcake.

Romac out
Nick Kang
10:37 am | April 26, 2004
I tried sending a request for passwords to the admin...but my computer's been messed up lately and it wouldn't work.

Nick Kang
10:35 am | April 26, 2004
I swear it wasn't me. I've spent two days prowling the fan fiction page looking for the imposter to report him...but he hasn't popped up. Seriously...would I do something like that?

5:26 am | April 26, 2004
Im sick of these stupid Nick Kangs coming in here and cluttering the comments pages. Nick, if you are just messing around with everyone you better stop before I report you to the system administrator. If there is an impostor, im withyou all the way Nick.

PS. Hey guys check out my story, its called Defending America.

Nick Kang
12:32 am | April 26, 2004
That's exactly what I was trying to tell the imposter.

12:09 am | April 26, 2004
Aaarrrggghhh! This comments is turning into a madhouse! How are you supposed to tell who's who? Will everyone GET THEIR OWN NAME AND STICK TO IT!!!
MC's Cousin
6:23 pm | April 25, 2004
Well, that story was odd. If not a little to short. I hope that was the REAL System Administrator, I would like to see some kicked out. All some of those commenters do is clutter up the comments page. By the way, no inconvience at all.
Oh, I almost forgot. I have run off an emial adress spefically for people adressing me out of HBO. It's, none other: master_chiefs_cousin@yahoo.com. Hey, I can't pay for that many email adresses. And, oh, don't spam.

Signing Off

System Failure
1:35 pm | April 25, 2004
My next story will be the last part of chapter 1. So click on read the series on the fan fic page to read it as one chapter instead of three.
System Failure
1:30 pm | April 25, 2004
This is gettin way way too confusing. And i agree With Nick Kang (The REAL one) that we need passwords. Someone can just use another persons name to spread hate and evil. Mostly EVIL!
Nick Kang
12:12 pm | April 25, 2004
I'm the real Nick Kang...not the fake one.

min $$$$
11:56 am | April 25, 2004
hey kang you suck my balls
min $$$$
11:54 am | April 25, 2004
you suck my balls
Nick Kang
11:04 am | April 25, 2004
Hey System Administrator,
If you actually are the System Administrator and not just someone pretending, can I please request we be given passwords? Everyone seems to be insulting people under my name.

System Administrator
10:50 am | April 25, 2004
We, the people at HBO, regret to announce that the Fan Fiction Comments Page is about to meet its end, due to insensitive comments and offensive language. Anyone found using offensive language or offensive comments will be banned from this site. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.

System Administrator
The REAL Nick Kang
10:46 am | April 25, 2004
To tell you the truth it was a story that should have been used as an example of how NOT to write a story.
AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hey Nick! There's ANOTHER Nick in town! And it's not your friend!
The REAL Nick Kang
10:15 am | April 25, 2004
He posted the same thing for every story cause he likes to act retarded, and I'm beginning to think he actually is.

10:12 am | April 25, 2004
To Shawn(other Nick Kang): Shawn you suck at writing and you know it! Your half as good as most of the people here! Plus I'd REALLY like to see you beat my series.

5:11 am | April 25, 2004
I thought the story was good, although I don't know why the Grunts attacked their own Elites...
Oh well, I still want to read the next chapter.

Oh, and FAKE Nick Kang, I have one thing to say to you:
You are a fag-nob.
Good day
2:15 am | April 25, 2004
lol impostor nick kang...SURE, we all want something. You want to be Nick Kang, does that mean it's going to happen? I want a Ferrari, does it mean it's going to happen? Also, how come all ur comments r the same
The REAL Nick Kang
1:12 am | April 25, 2004
Hey guys I have just been fooling you, I have been writing all those bad notes in everyones story, because they just, well, suck. All of your guys stories suck seriously, I'm 10 times better than anyone who submits fan fiction and you guys know it. Nick Kang remember the name.

The REAL Nick Kang
1:06 am | April 25, 2004
The imposter Nick Kang is right, your story sucks ass dumb ass faget. You cant write shit bitch
12:14 am | April 25, 2004
I have no idea what yomama is yabbering on about. It's a cool story. A touch short, but otherwise cool. Some nice descriptions too. One query - why do the Grunts use human swearwords?
5:06 pm | April 24, 2004
Great story.
System Failure
4:44 pm | April 24, 2004
This section is just there to see the war from the Covies perspectve
The REAL Nick Kang
4:10 pm | April 24, 2004
It's my friend. I'm sure of it. I told him my name so he could find my stories and this is one of his practical jokes...

System Failure
3:45 pm | April 24, 2004
What's up with all these impostors? We need to law down the law.
The REAL Nick Kang
1:30 pm | April 24, 2004
Not as good as your first one...There are a bunch of gramatical errors...but it was still worth the read.

The REAL Nick Kang
1:17 pm | April 24, 2004
That other Nick Kang is my friend trying to make you guys think I hate everyone.

Nick Kang
1:12 pm | April 24, 2004
ur story is horrible i cant believe you wrote it! Dumb Faget
12:59 pm | April 24, 2004
