
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Oh Thirteen Part 7'

6:36 pm | April 21, 2004
Heh, seven parts!
The cliffhanger ending leaves the story open for more, which HAS to be inevitable, surely? Pleeeeeeez...
4:03 pm | April 7, 2004
Incredible story! Absolutely loved it. Thank you for writing!
9:59 am | April 7, 2004
quite a good story its got a good twist at the end of it good partial comedy lets hope for more
Between Here and Nowhere
8:04 pm | March 29, 2004
Heh, I so hope that isn't the end of Jonah 013. More misadventures and hey, I'm liking his characterization.

Then again, last time I started getting attached to a character the character got killed off. . .
The Collector
6:48 pm | March 28, 2004
This story was hilarious and well written. I am in awe lol. And it does have that bruce campbel evil dead 2 thing going for it. lol Kepp writing boy/girl u gots talent.
*Sniff* *Sniff* quality... Oh quality lol
5:20 pm | March 28, 2004
If anyone thinks that last post was insulting, it wasn't. I meant that in a good, tone-filled, slight gasping way.
5:17 pm | March 28, 2004
CoLd BlooDed
6:11 am | March 28, 2004
Okay, I read it, and was impressed, majorly impressed. The battle with the White, human-talking Elite was exciting. And the end was the final twist, I enjoyed reading this series; but after reading over five-hundred pages of Stephen King's "Needful Things" in the past two and a half weeks make stories on HBO seem short. Keep it up, Stuntmutt, and continue to bring on the funny along with plot.

5:58 am | March 28, 2004
Wow....this is the only fan fiction i read all the way
5:54 am | March 28, 2004
Geez. I remembered the first installment of Jonah 013, and that was just slapstick funny, it seemed to me. This one was just as funny, but it really WENT somewhere. I'm highly impressed, and I want to see where this is gonna go next.
Agent Shade
5:05 pm | March 27, 2004
agreed, very well done, hope to see more
4:59 pm | March 27, 2004
Elton and Curtis both say that the key to a good comedy is plot. But it takes a lot of talent to find one and make it funny. You did good. From one liners to ironic situations and a tragic end (which works so well in comedies) I just have one thing to say.

CoLd BlooDed
12:54 pm | March 27, 2004
No, you don't see Funkster, your stories weren't "up to par", and it wasn't all because you posted over eight chapters on the FF section.
12:24 pm | March 27, 2004
Hey Boxer didn't we get yelled at and b*tched at for doing multipule postes at once and now your here kissing Stuntmutt's ass. No offense Stuntmutt your story rocked.
Seriously man stop trying to pal up to him he dosn't like you and he never will, okay atually I Have nothing to back that up with. I am slightly upset, that because stuntmutt is a well known and like person on H.B.O. that it's okay for him to multipule post while I got threatend when I did it. Hey I think its great he got to post all these a once it made it really cool to read but i hope nobody ever yells at me for it if it happens again.
10:09 am | March 27, 2004
this totally rocks..... i want more......this is probrably the only story in the fan fic section im actually keepin track of!!
8:15 am | March 27, 2004
very good. the kind of fanfiction i like to read, the "what if this happened" kind with original characters.
CoLd BlooDed
6:06 am | March 27, 2004
No, you just seemed like you were coming off, as . . . assholishish. :P
5:21 am | March 27, 2004
Whoa nobody get mad I known my story suck all i was saying was that I thought multipule posts were against the rules I didn't mean to offend anybody.
9:38 pm | March 26, 2004
Oh...my...God. Nobody has EVER jumped that fast up the rungs of my ladder list of good fanfic writers. Stuntmutt..that was absolutely INCREDIBLE!

No nitpicking at all for me here, I'm still stunned by how good these 7 chapters were. I do, however, expect the next batch of seven by...oh, sa, tomorrow. ;)
3:53 pm | March 26, 2004
Sorry about the double post...

Mental Note: Never refresh after you post a comment.

3:40 pm | March 26, 2004
Awesome story, somewhat reminiscent of the Evil Dead series, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. You’ve successfully incorporated a humor and seriousness into one excellent story. Hat’s off to you.

3:40 pm | March 26, 2004
Awesome story, somewhat reminiscent of the Evil Dead series, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. You’ve successfully incorporated a humor and seriousness into one excellent story. Hat’s off to you.

