
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Devil's Brigade Prt. 1 (Revised)'

Bible Guy
2:47 am | April 26, 2003
cussing is a sin for it falls under blasphamey. read the Bible and leran, get enlightened and i assume anyone posting a comment about that bible verse being rong must be jewish cause they not read the New Testament.
8:42 pm | April 25, 2003
Hey, bible guy, please capitalize Bible. And cussing isn't a sin. For the most part cuss words are just words. Using the Lord's name in vain is a Sin.
10:19 pm | April 24, 2003
read de news, way at de bottom
bible guy
11:58 am | April 24, 2003
read my comment on alphabravo343's new story. it is very "INSPIRATIONAL" (HeHeHe).
11:54 am | April 24, 2003
Wu is gonna be gone for a week? Didn't know that. I guess that explains why I couldn't get on the site for about three days straight. "Can't find Server!" Good Lord, I got tired of seeing that. Where's the administrative.
bible guy
11:42 am | April 24, 2003
have u ever read Robinson Curosue or the Swiss Family Robinson. try to make a wilderness surival story like those too, and make it halo themed. like a group of marines get downed and have to survive on the land until the war comes thier and they get rescued by thier troops. Don't forget to make it without modern amintities.

Oh, and cusing is a sin. :( your welcome for the enlighthenment :)
4:17 am | April 24, 2003
Same here Steele I just got on today what the hell is going on?
1:48 am | April 24, 2003
Yah I read it, it was awsome
12:56 am | April 24, 2003
you should all go over and check out my Legacy series. there really is nothing else to do for now, so why not?
James Kinsella
1:26 am | April 21, 2003
Didn't you read the administravia, Wu is gonna be gone for like a week and he won't be updating stories.
11:22 am | April 20, 2003
lol patience man, it usually takes 1-2 days.
2:31 am | April 20, 2003
but i posted it yesterday before noon! oh well, never mind me...just a little impatient. have you read the second part of my series, diablo? you didnt comment on it. *sniffle*
1:19 am | April 20, 2003
No revisions pal!
9:23 pm | April 19, 2003
hey when is the fanfic gonna be updated? ive been waiting for my next post to show up for about three hours!
8:22 pm | April 19, 2003
HTML 7/10 isn't a code. HTML is the text we're using and 7/10 was the grade. I'll go check out this story now.
8:22 pm | April 19, 2003
7/10. Pretty good. You did do the dudes path pretty well. But he must be prety old. I mean, he was winning shooting matches before the Covenant came (around 2517). Then he was on a planet 20 years after Earth gets attacked (around 2552). So he's about 65 years old at least. He must be a limber ol'man. Keep it up (I like reading about limber old men blowing up aliens).
4:42 pm | April 19, 2003
and [hr] for a rule. But this isn't HTML, this is some other code.
11:27 am | April 19, 2003
First of all, I would like to thank everyone who read my story for commenting on it. Second, there is no revision rule that I could find, and because of this I will constantly be revising and re-posting parts of my story. Third, there are more parts to come, so all of you confused about the plot will figure it out in due time. Fourth, I am not very intelligent when it comes to code, so I have no idea what Html 7/10 is or how to use it. If you would like to help me with that, please e-mail me. Thank you.
11:27 am | April 19, 2003
First of all, I would like to thank everyone who read my story for commenting on it. Second, there is no revision rule that I could find, and because of this I will constantly be revising and re-posting parts of my story. Third, there are more parts to come, so all of you confused about the plot will figure it out in due time. Fourth, I am not very intelligent when it comes to code, so I have no idea what Html 7/10 is or how to use it. If you would like to help me with that, please e-mail me. Thank you.
6:03 am | April 19, 2003
Thanks, I'll try that on my next post
James Kinsella
2:13 am | April 19, 2003
There are severel different HTML tags that you can use.
1. The Italics tags are[i]whateveryouwantinitalics[/i]. The second set is to close the italics tag so that the rest of the page isn't italicised.

2. Also you need [indent] tags. You just type this(with the marks around it) at the beginning of a new paragraph. No closing tags required.

3. And [b]whateveryouwantinbold[/b] tags. The second set is to close the bold tag so that the rest of the page isn't in bold.

Hope This Helps!
1:33 am | April 19, 2003
Thanks for clearing up the revisions rule. Also, i am not going to post any more parts of my story for a little while so that i can make sure that it's perfect (to avoid revising it). I will then post the complete story on a later date.
12:48 am | April 19, 2003
I believe there is a "no revisions rule". Did you read the entire thingy Spinks? But if it isn't there, and you're new to HBO, then you might have missed all of Louis Wu's reminders for no revisions. Now you know there are no revisions, and hopefully you wont make any more. :)
9:18 pm | April 18, 2003
Very good story.
James Kinsella
8:58 pm | April 18, 2003
I liked the story, but I'm wondering about the plot. You did a good job narrarating his past. Send the next one in soon.
7:51 pm | April 18, 2003
Wasn't there a no revisions rule????
6:20 pm | April 18, 2003
Stupid is the only stupid thing here...
6:03 pm | April 18, 2003
This isn't stupid, Stupid, you just don't have a taste for sniping. I wouldn't trust you with a squirt gun, Stupid. Anyways good job just try using HTML 7/10.
5:17 pm | April 18, 2003
sort of fragmented. use HTML. think the plot through before posting. yep
4:35 pm | April 18, 2003
This is so stupid this is a very gay piece of art.
stop trying
