
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Spartans: The War on Solstice Part 1'

pilot 415
8:55 pm | January 24, 2003
pretty good for a first, don't be so specific but all in all good reading and i'd like to see a sequel
Tommy U.
12:54 pm | January 23, 2003
I already read it so you know what I think
King Ashur
1:36 am | January 22, 2003
Pretty damn good story. Looking forward to part #2 my homie g dawg man...yeah, :P

Anyway keep up the super work!
King Ashur
1:36 am | January 22, 2003
Pretty damn good story. Looking forward to part #2 my homie g dawg man...yeah, :P

Anyway keep up the super work!
Shadow X
1:21 am | January 22, 2003
Yes Yes, I know I keep posting about my own story, but hey, its my first fan fic. So far 3 people like it! I am so happy, lol.
1:05 am | January 22, 2003
Great story! It is very good for a first fan fic.

there is one detail that I have read so far that I do find common in fan fics.John 117 ( I don't know if you have read Halo: The Fall of Reach yet but The "Master Cheif" is a Master Cheif in the UNSC navy. I am not sure if you know or not but the rank of Master Cheif is an Enlisted Rank and only Personell With the rank of an officer is saluted ex: 2nd Lt., 1st Lt., Captain, Major,Commander, Lt. Colonel, Colonel, Gen., Admiral, ect. just to name a few.

all in all i am axously awaiting another one of your good pieces of literature, and hope you continue to write more.
Shadow X
10:50 pm | January 21, 2003
I am glad to see that I have two comments already. This is my first fanfic I have written. I will improve on part 2 I should hope. I am going to start on part 2 and soon as I hear a bit more feedback!

9:31 pm | January 21, 2003
Where is part 2 and 3 and 4 etccc.... This story Rocks!!! Enough said...

Really though, this is a very good story. I was sucked right in with just this short first "chapter". It is not perfect of course. There are a few places where it gets repetetive, but not so much as to take away from the pure Halo goodness that this story offers.

Of course, the thing to keep in mind when reading any of these stories is that this is "fan fiction", not the New York Times Bestseller's list. So, with that detail in mind I would give this story an enthusiastic 9 out of 10!

....Anxiously waiting "Part 2"
5:39 pm | January 21, 2003
Not too bad. This story has good potential and if this is your first Fan Fic here, it is really good for a first one.

I probably would have liked the story more if there were less details (i.e., what do I care if one of the Spartan's carries 4 extra grenades if they aren't going to be used right away). Just a suggestion, but if you want to make something important for the plot, you can make it a character quirk instead of a fact.

Something like, "Why are you always carrying extra grenades instead of a med kit? We are supposed to rescue 300 civilians aren't we?" .... "If I need a med kit, I've already failed my objective. My objective is to kill as many of those scum aliens as I can. This ain't a mission, this is personal." ... "Man you need to mellow out, the Chief doesn't like it when you bring your personal baggage into a mission."

Well, like I said, only a suggestion. Keep up the writing. Hope to see more.
