
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'D-Day: The Dunes'

10:45 pm | January 30, 2003
10:43 pm | January 30, 2003
I just happened to be on and came across a bunch of stoners. Hey potheads f*** off.
10:43 pm | January 30, 2003
dudes i know we like can talk wuts up boner i mean stoner olol kool
stonerdude, cheech and chong, jointman, bongsmoker, mr.pipes
10:41 pm | January 30, 2003
hey weedman we allfound this place dude its better than chat rooms ya and sex hotlines.
Pilot 415
9:22 pm | January 30, 2003
reason accepted
Shadow Spartan
2:44 am | January 30, 2003
The main character is Private Kyle Nighthook...read the first one "D-Day: The Beach"
1:39 am | January 30, 2003
Hmmm....I thought the story was actaully pretty good. But there was just one problem. Is nighthook and kyle the same person or different people? Other than that little confusion, the story is very much~well-done~
Shadow Spartan
11:37 pm | January 29, 2003
Just so you all know, frog is a typo. Frag doesn't exsist in Microsoft Word obviously. The Msater Chief? Well, read my next one and find out. Thanks...
Shadow Spartan
11:37 pm | January 29, 2003
Just so you all know, frog grenades is a typo. Frag obviouly doesn't exsist in Microsoft Word, as for the Master Chief, read the next one I just sent in. Thanks
Pilo 415
11:28 pm | January 29, 2003
Pretty good better than the first when you say master cheif i hope your not refering to the master cheif of halo cause he's a Spartan II, just in case you didn't know. and you might want to read over before you post in less you recently invented frog grenades. All in all good story and keep workin' on it
