
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Moral Redemption of Dr. Halsey (Part 3)'

7:48 pm | May 19, 2004
wow ur a genius
11:56 am | April 10, 2004
well excuse myself if i sounded rude, what i meant by that was, this series is going to get VERY interesting. i will make this clearer next time. srry about the incoveinience.
12:21 am | April 10, 2004
I 'member you TM, or RB as you go by now. If you're writing it I'd expect it to be good. Ambitious is good. Don't let it stop you.
Ross Becalick
9:50 pm | April 9, 2004
Now I'm being called a genius... funny...
Thanks for the comments and scores, you brighten my day so much!

This is an ambitious piece, however. I don't know if I can stomach it.

Perhaps Helljumper or Agent Shade remembers Traumatised Marine? I'm back, just with my real name! (I'm on the short list for a Sci-Fi anthology book, so I thought I better get my name next to some fic. Scary, the first thing I've ever published!)
7:17 pm | April 9, 2004
ur a B***HY M***********G Genious
12:23 pm | April 9, 2004
Wow, good series so far. I'm speechless. I'd give it a 9.5 had I the power to rate (I don't feel I should say much, I'm still a newbie to the site.) Keep writing. I want more chapters :p
6:57 pm | April 7, 2004
To Nick: action is meaningless without plot, but then again the same is true vice-versa. some of the best stories have the first few chapters setting up the story,and then everything starts blowing up real nice-like.

very interesting story here...I'd like to see where this is going.

a 9.5/10

To silver spartan: lol, did you come up with that?
The Silver Spartan
3:54 pm | April 7, 2004
I, for one, liked it. At first I was confused but when I picked it up I was like, wow! That was incredible! So, I hope you continue this series, I will continue to read it!

My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard and they're like "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right! I wanna trade cards. Damn right! I wanna trade cards. I'll trade you, but not my charizard!

--Sorry for that... thing... above I just had to

-The Silver Spartan-
Nick Kang
10:24 pm | April 6, 2004
I agree with me and MCC. There is something a bit off about your writing. Perhaps it's the fact that you've had three beautifully detailed chapters...without much action. The most action I've probably seen this entire series is the part where Kelly puts a slug in 343GS. Now mentally note that this is not a negative comment, only one to help you improve your already outstanding writing ability. Detail is a good factor in getting people to read you story, but ac5tion is just as important. You need explosions, gun battle, people screaming.

MC's Cousin
7:48 pm | April 6, 2004
Hmmm...this is undeed getting interesting...interesting indeed. You must remember; however, that you are doing an immence amount of specualting to make your story:
The theory that MC was indeed the original Reclaimer that set off Halo those many years ago;
The instance to which 343GS was refering when he spoke of such things in the gam and book;
Where 343GS ended up after the destruction of Halo 04.
I still like the feeling of the events though. It feels kinda like the style Bungie would take the story. But somehow their is something missing in your story. The way you write-has a little to do with it, but their's more to it indeed. Although it is very fun to write stories to express our speculation, or others, we must be careful where we take these stories. I, for one, think you should continue, just so I can see how you think, and what you think about all this.

Hmmm...I'm staying neutral on this for now...

Signing Off

Ross Becalick
4:51 pm | April 6, 2004
If you'll excuse me if I sound bitter, but that's not fair!

A negative comment that doesn't seem to be justified, (I suspect this person has not read it...) and put people off reading the fic?

People have said this is an ambitious piece, should I abandon it?
9:14 pm | April 5, 2004
i don't like where this is going...
