
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Moral Redemption of Dr. Halsey (Part 2)'

Nick Kang
2:08 am | February 25, 2004
Once again, better than any of my fanfic. damn good job, keep up the god work.
1:00 am | February 25, 2004
finally, something that i read that isn't suky! of course, i don't read all the fan fiction... u know what happened in that one one se7en comic... anyway keep up the good work.
1:03 am | February 24, 2004
It looks like I'll have to pay attention to this kind of thing for future stories. Good Work :)

10:30 pm | February 23, 2004
Very, very nice. Keep on going!
MC's Cousin
10:29 pm | February 23, 2004
I'm afraid I'm not as enthusiastic as the previous commenters. Your writing is good. Very good. But good enough to go to a Halo Novel...not yet. You made parts of that pass a little to fast, I could get into it, but not as deeply as i would have liked.
Storyline wize its still alright, though I still think you should tread softly. This WILL definetely be a leading plot in the Halo stories to come, and Bungie already has it worked out. Not that FanFic ins't for exactly what your doing. But I were in your position, I would be damned embarrased if their story was a near opposite to yours. Then again if it runs very similar, you will be praised like nothing else.
By the way, why are the Flood active if they have not had anything to nourish them, or wake them, like a release? Just wondering.

Signing Off

9:20 pm | February 23, 2004
Awesome stuff! Helljumper's right, you could write the next Halo book.
8:15 pm | February 23, 2004
Great fan fic, if they produce another Halo book, you should write it
3:35 am | February 23, 2004
Great title, a good title is the most important part that catches a readers eye, especially when there are so many fan fics. Keep up the good work.
CoLd BlooDed
1:36 am | February 23, 2004
No, both stories are the same.
11:24 pm | February 22, 2004
Very good, one problem tho, part two is part one.....
10:59 pm | February 22, 2004
That, that is some truly fine fiction! It just makes some good reading! That ending... this is number one on my list to read on the next post!
