
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Halo: Lost and Found'

5:56 pm | April 7, 2004
I heard from somebody that you have more to this story... Can you post that too? It is a good story from what I have read so far.
5:56 pm | April 7, 2004
I heard from somebody that you have more to this story... Can you post that too? It is a good story from what I have read so far.
10:21 pm | April 6, 2004
I like this story, as it is one of the better ones I have read. Normally I don't go for war-combat-soldier stories, because I think that they are stupid. Just humanity's biggest screw ups. But this one I like. Seriously it is pretty good.

MC's Cousin
2:35 am | April 3, 2004
Sorry about that CoLd, really I am. My schedule has been really jumbled lately. Too many unwanted complications and problems in my daily life.
I took a quick look at your one of your stories this post and I realized I didn't have the time (like two minutes) to finish them. I will try to read them before the next post though.

Signing Off

CoLd BlooDed
1:44 am | April 3, 2004
MCC, you not reading my stories anymore? ;)

I'll read this one in a bit. Slllooowww day in the FF section.
MC's Cousin
10:10 pm | April 2, 2004
Well, I hope this is supposed to be an original pieca of work (couldn't tell from your note). By "original" I of course mean not following the present Halo storyline. Confused? But this story CAN fit into the story while on Halo, can't it? No.
If you are trying to stick this in somewhere within Halo: The Flood, it won't work. There is nowhere to stick it. But...if you are doing this for the heck of it, to make an alternate storyline that splits from the current plot...then go for it, but be careful where you take it.

As for the story itself...it was pretty good. Something about it was off. It was too jumbled. You need to actually use real paragraphs, and press enter after EVERY person says something else.

"Hey, how's it going?" asked Bob. "Good I hope."

"Hey Bob," responded Tim. "Yeah, its been a fair week, so far at least."

You know? Well, if you don't, than don't write, not to be mean or anything though.

And flow, you need to work on flow. The story seemed a little too jerky on the eyes while reading. Work on that one.

Signing Off

9:52 pm | April 2, 2004
Not bad. I'd like to see where this goes.
