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Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Modern Trench Warfare'

2:01 am | February 26, 2004
OH MY GOD (claps and whistles wildly) that fanfiction rekindled my love for this game just as fast as that "Life as a Grunt" fanfic destroied it you are a real great writer keep writing Postman you rule! :) :) :) :)
6:09 pm | October 19, 2003
Heh. We just finished World War I in history, and the stupidity of trench warfare really caught my interest. I came up with this story (if you want to call it that) one night while typing up some homework.
World War II is next week.

Oh, and Grunts love Kesters. Yeah.
Dirty Commie
12:50 am | October 19, 2003
Wow, I'm glad I don't live in Texas, ONE hippie is way too many for me. I can't even imagine how hellish California would be.

You guys have cool families.
Alpha Lance
12:38 am | October 19, 2003
Oh Walker, you think that's bad, you should see all of the crack heads, and some hippies at my school. There isnt that much hippies in Arkansas anyways.

But I was watching CNN a night after the war started, and there was this fat lady standing in a protest march in NYC. She said something like, we are over there in Iraq dropping bombs on children and babies―

Thats a load of BS. The bombing raids that took place in Iraq were the most precise and accurate. The military was very careful on the targets they chosen.

But the thing about it is that them protesters are disgraces. Maybe we should have put all of them hippies over there, then maybe they'll understand that president Bush was doing the right thing.

But it is a good thing that we have the most powerful military in the world. Its a good thing we have military, because if we didnt fight in World War I and World War II, we probably would all be speaking German now.

Back to the protesting. It was about time someone did something about them Iraqis. This war was supposed have been done back when Clinton was the President. And Bush finally did something about it. And them damn hippies are sitting in their little peace circle singing hippies songs. I'm telling you, and I believe I speak for everyone on this site when I say: Them hippies are disgraces to this country. All they do is disrespect this great country, well maybe we should get R. Lee from Mailcall to give them hippies a respect lesson.

But I remember one day at school some girl in my 4th period class said something like, I think it is wrong what Bush is doing, killing innocent people. I wish that Bush lost the elections.

Well, I piss of coarse. But its a good thing Bush did win. Cause if Gore was president, well probably be infective by anthrax or something by now. Cause, Gore, he is like a weak little French person, hell probably surrender to the Iraqis before the war even started. Well, I respect this country like its my own life. Im a true patriot, I got a flag hanging over my bed, I play the Star Spangle Banner on my trumpet, and I love reading book about the US past. Well, I made my speech.
12:38 am | October 19, 2003
12:27 am | October 19, 2003
I know where Walker will be when he's outta High School. . .
8:56 pm | October 18, 2003
My fifth-great grandfather's brother was John Hancock. I also had ancestors who were footsoldiers and sailors on both sides of the Revolution. And I'm pretty sure that some relativeof mine joined up in the Spanish Army to fight the Facists in the Spanish Civil War. Anywho... yeah, we have a lot of hippies at our school, too. Retards mostly that don't even know what they're talking about, which can be proved if you put up any argument to what they're saying.

"The Second Gluf War is stupid," they say.

"The basis of rescuing the opressed peoples of Iraq is the same one we saw in WWII, when we fought against Hitler, opressor of Europe and Tojo, opressor of the Orient," I say.


"You heard me."

"War is stupid!"

"So are you."


That's about how it goes when you talk to the hippies. Fortunately we live in Texas, so there aren't that many. About 55/45, in our favor.

Pacifists are for the most part, sadly misguided individuals, products of the unions of former druggies (and current ones) of the Berkeley breed. Those that won't fight have to be fought for by those brave enough and smart enough not to let themselves be conquered. And then when they come home to those they saved they get spit on by reefer-smoking, draft card-burning and to-Canada-running hippies. Quoting from Stephen Coonts' Flight of the Intruder:

Okay. Ill give you one real good reason. Right now therere over a thousand guys in prison camps in Vietnamnobody knows for sure how many. Those men are being starved, tortured, humiliated. Our POWs are going through hell while long-haired creeps in the states are burning their draft cards or hiding in graduate schools and trying to convince themselves that war is immoral because they know, deep down, that they dont have the guts to fight We have to get our POWs out. If we dont theyll rot to death in the prison camps. Weve either got to win the war or put enough pressure on the commies to make them return the POWs and account for our MIAs. Weve got to keep faith with those guys.


Did God whisper in your brothers ear about the joys of living in Canada? Freedom comes a little cheaper there these days. Is he happy, listening to his stereo and smoking pot and feeling very moral? Or is he at Berkeley? Protesting war between fixes?

Coonts knew how to spell it out, people. Support our soldiers.

Semper Fi

8:22 pm | October 18, 2003
Yo Postman you into trench warfare? Me too. I read about worldwar1 and 2 all the time.
8:22 pm | October 18, 2003
Oh, and why would the grunt sniff the marine's kester?
Javier Fernandez-Vina
2:02 pm | October 18, 2003
If it was me i would have called it "trench warfare evolved".Just a thought.
11:29 am | October 18, 2003
Yeah, it was cool. A nice change from the running around, cutting off Covies' heads with machetes.


heh heh 'fat_mammal@hotmail.com'
11:20 am | October 18, 2003
At least the idea is original...that is getting more and more rare these days...

I loved the description here, ad I found the writing highly fluent (I'm beginning to sound like an English teacher) and it gave me a clear image in my mind. Congrats.
Javier Fernandez-vina
11:06 am | October 18, 2003
Oh, and my dad served in a weapons platoon, manning a mortar.
Javier Fernandez-Vina
11:02 am | October 18, 2003
I didn't know mainevent had johnny reb's blood in him.
Read my fic angels war.
10:48 pm | October 17, 2003
My sixth great-grandfather was Confederate General Robert E. Lee.

Blank HIstory

Grandfather A-WWII 3 ships, two were sunk
Grandfather B-WWII, Korea, Vietnam
Grandfather C(death and marriage)-Vietnam
Great Grandfather-WWII
Uncle-WWII, Korea
Grandmother-Shipyards (Mobile, Alabama)
Father-Army (No deployment)
Alpha Lance
10:41 pm | October 17, 2003
THat is right, and I'm planning on joining the Marine corps.
9:09 pm | October 17, 2003
I totally agree Alpha Lance. I hate it when people disrepect the men and Women who have put their lifes on the line to for our freedom. Their sacrafices should be remembered. I am planning on going into the military to serve my country that I am so blessed to be a citizen in as we all are. The Veterans should not come home to a bunch of hippies yelling at them. It isn't right.
9:09 pm | October 17, 2003
This is a good look at what it would be like fighting in the trenches. 10/10
Alpha Lance
9:03 pm | October 17, 2003
Well...sorry, my damn crappy internet won't load and it is double posting! Sorry.
Alpha Lance
8:49 pm | October 17, 2003
That was great amigo. And hey, my dad served on a sub in the Cold War, torpedo man. Lets not forget about my uncle, Ken Sisler. Served in Vietnam, became hero too. I am so proud in my dad and my uncle. 'Cause anyone who serves in the military is a great person, and a hero.

But its sad too. 'Cause there are a lot of people that do not appreciate them. When my schools has a military guest speaker, I will hear these kids saying stuff like, "look at them army fags." It pisses me off so damn much. And them brave soldier put their lives on the line to save all of these disrespectful people's ass.

Well, I respect the military force a lot. God bless them.
Alpha Lance
8:49 pm | October 17, 2003
That was great amigo. And hey, my dad served on a sub in the Cold War, torpedo man. Lets not forget about my uncle, Ken Sisler. Served in Vietnam, became hero too. I am so proud in my dad and my uncle. 'Cause anyone who serves in the military is a great person, and a hero.

But its sad too. 'Cause there are a lot of people that do not appreciate them. When my schools has a military guest speaker, I will hear these kids saying stuff like, "look at them army fags." It pisses me off so damn much. And them brave soldier put their lives on the line to save all of these disrespectful people's ass.

Well, I respect the military force a lot. God bless them.
Alpha Lance
8:49 pm | October 17, 2003
That was great amigo. And hey, my dad served on a sub in the Cold War, torpedo man. Lets not forget about my uncle, Ken Sisler. Served in Vietnam, became hero too. I am so proud in my dad and my uncle. 'Cause anyone who serves in the military is a great person, and a hero.

But its sad too. 'Cause there are a lot of people that do not appreciate them. When my schools has a military guest speaker, I will hear these kids saying stuff like, "look at them army fags." It pisses me off so damn much. And them brave soldier put their lives on the line to save all of these disrespectful people's ass.

Well, I respect the military force a lot. God bless them.
8:06 pm | October 17, 2003
Me great-grandad was a Doughboy... got machinegunned in the butt on the way back from a storm raid. My grandad, who threw himself on a hornet's nest to spare his brothers and sisters, served on a sub in WWII, and a lot of my family enlisted in Vietnam. They made 'em tough in Utah.
Javier Fernandez-Vina
3:34 pm | October 17, 2003
Im also fascinated by ww1.Even though the blitzkrieg fascinates me even more.The thing seems like ww1 with plasma.I like that.
11:04 am | October 17, 2003
"Either way, I'm not sure what to make of all this." That goes for me too. Pretty good... yes, pretty good.

Semper Fi

