
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Shadow Ops II: Nowhere to Run, Chapter Two'

12:29 pm | November 20, 2003
12:29 pm | November 20, 2003
come to xboxgamestories.proboards23.com
12:29 pm | November 20, 2003
come to xboxgamestories.proboards23.com
Nemesis (the real one)
4:09 am | November 7, 2003
such a stupid nOOb...i think Wado should use you in his March of the nOObs story, cuzz you are an idiot trying to pose as me and acting like i'm a homosexual...just stop trying, everyone knows it doesn't work
2:39 am | November 6, 2003
yes i am gay arent i and i suck dick
2:37 am | November 6, 2003
2:37 am | November 6, 2003
yeah ur really stupid nemisis, i never really liked u u idiot
2:35 am | November 6, 2003
8:17 pm | November 4, 2003
damn, i knew this chapter would suck...i'm trying to avoid writing about non-stop gore and violence and trying to incorporate a lighter side to this...don't worry, it will get better...it will get a lot better...this was the last "gay" chapter...hope you stay with this series...
Steve Ollett
12:56 pm | November 4, 2003
Sorry for the double quote - my browser didn't seem to accept the first post (apologies)
Steve Ollett
12:36 pm | November 4, 2003
A bit different from your usual stuff, but I couldn't help thinking that the interactions of your Shadows Ops team in their new home was a bit gay (sorry if that sounds a bit brutal) - I was half expecting them to start arguing about who got to wear the marigold gloves to do the washing up!

Sorry mate I just think that maybe you were a bit too tired when you worte that part.
Steve Ollett
12:36 pm | November 4, 2003
That was a bit different to your usual stuff.
Your Shadow Ops guys sounded a bit gay to me (sorry if that sounds brutal) - Its just the whole shopping thing that did it. I was half expecting them to start arguing about who gets to wear the Marigold gloves to do the washing up!

I think that you might have been a bit too tired when you wrote that part.

Aside from that it was to your usual high standard.
3:40 am | November 4, 2003
sure thing Sterfrye, you're right, not getting a lot of comments...i'll try
3:09 am | November 4, 2003
Hey, Nemesis, do you mind adertising the NOrah a little more prominently in the comments for your stories? You're the only guy who's looked at the last two chapters.
Spartan III
3:02 am | November 4, 2003
I like this story. A lot. I like how it doesn't focus on the action right now. If it was all fighting, no one would care about the characters. When you show these characters as men who play poker and drink bear, and generally enjoy themselves, you begin to identify with them.

And, are you serious you wrote some of this at 2 in the morning. This is damn good for a story by a sleepy person.
11:01 pm | November 3, 2003
I for one don't particularly like Prep schools, as I find too many of them stuck up. Also, many of them are Catholic, of which I am not.

But I am not dumb by any means.

I take Spanish II and Geometry in 9th grade. I also have all advanced courses, but these are easy compared to my corriculum should I be accepted into the International Baccalaureat program.
10:41 pm | November 3, 2003
canada rules!!

who said that? hehe
10:12 pm | November 3, 2003
Nothin' better about private school education... well, there is, but that doesn't men preps are smarter. George Washington never even went to college, and he was one of our greatest heroes and the first president of our country. That country being America. Nothin' special about preps. I know plenty of retards that are rich and plenty of geniuses that are poor.
4:43 am | November 3, 2003
oh yes and to answer your question Sergeant, i dunno if i mentioned this, but the winner of that RPS game would be sleeping on the couch and because paper beats rock, Colin got the couch. i've worked at a private school over the summer, but i don't go to one
1:39 am | November 3, 2003
paper beats rock, seargent
8/10 nice going
12:36 pm | November 2, 2003
I went to one in kindergarten, does that count?
12:00 pm | November 2, 2003
c'mon FOrunnER, wait it out, it will get better. i can't just do all action, i gotta have a little bit of different stuff you know? i'll tell you now, they aren't going to any Halo ring world. if you read the first Shadow Ops, you'll know that the first squad wasn't on any ring world either. this is completely different, since they no longer work for the Office of Naval Intelligence. they've basically become a rebel group, but are much more experienced and well trained...wait it out dude, it will get better...
11:42 pm | November 1, 2003
Ummm, no offense dude, but is this story ever going to go back to halo? If i wanted to read a story about a bunch of roomates, I wouldn't be here. Sorry for bieng a dick, but at least I'm honest.

P.S. Sarge, I go to a charter school. Dont know if that counts or not.
Sergeant B
11:03 pm | November 1, 2003
Really good dude. I love it! Yeah, spelling errors and some grammar probs also. And would Colin win the RPSS since he got paper and they got rock. I don't know. And when you say 'bout, write it like 'bout, not bout. That would be a spelling error at school. And anyone here go to PRIVATE SCHOOL?
4:20 pm | November 1, 2003
Nice, but slowling getting a bit more predictable.
3:45 pm | November 1, 2003
oh boy, i dunno bout you guys, but i noticed a ton of little spelling errors. Sorry bout that. i wrote this at 2:00am, so i wasn't exactly thinking straight
