
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Shadow Ops II: Nowhere to Run, Chapter One'

12:11 pm | November 3, 2003
Shade, you never told me you were changing your name! All this time I thought Nemesis was new and you had left...
12:58 pm | November 1, 2003
hey agent shade (nemisis) do u have a screename for AIM (america online instant messanger) cuz ur awesome and i want 2 know it.
12:22 pm | October 30, 2003
My previous comment was about the other thing you guys were discussing... now to the story. I liked the idea of a Flood-fightin' SO2, why disband it? It can't cost that much based on what these guys had in their bank accounts. Everything else is food, lodging and equipment, and at a total I'd say about eighty thousand as a unit. They use standard UNSC weapons, the MA7B battle rifle, MA5B assault rifle, SMG 500s, as you've named it and the MA7B, and M6Ds. There's maybe some other guns in there, like the M19 SSM Jackhammer rocket launcher, but whatever. After that, I like where this is going. It sounds like they're setting up an anti-government base outside of an apartment building. The only thing I'd question would be its closeness to where they got chased out of. Which brings me to another point. If you aren't in the service anymore, no one can arrest you for flicking somebody off on any grounds but public disturbance. Technically, on the basis used in the movie Billy Jack (half-breed ex-Green Beret is the only protection for pacifists who won't shoot back, pretty much, awesome ending, you should see it)when he punched the guard it was self-defense against authority abusing its power. So that's not a charge to be held on. Overall, about a 9.3/10.

Semper Fi

12:04 pm | October 30, 2003
nem. im have been openly bisexual for bout 3 years now, and i am in 9th grade lol, but its koo, thx for hearing me out.
11:35 pm | October 29, 2003
I'm not even gonna say anything...
10:43 pm | October 29, 2003
totally fucking off base...i passed that sexuality part back in grade nine, which was quite awhile ago now
12:33 pm | October 29, 2003
Are you at that point in development where your questioning your sexuality, or am I totally fucking off base?
4:32 am | October 29, 2003
if you've read the first Shadow Ops series, you'll know that all but two of the first Shadow Ops squad members died in battle, so basically, reuniting the two survivors with the dead guys wouldn't make much sense...the six guys i've been talking about so far in the story, are the new Shadow Ops II squad and they will stay together till the end...the Covenant-Human alliance, i don't plan to go to deep into...i can tell you that most of the Covenant forces that are allied with the humans are fighting their own kind or the Flood...those few Covenant that are on Earth, are located elsewhere, and the technology is slowly being imbursed into the humans...like i said though, i don't plan to go in depth with the alliance.

walker, sorry bout ONI, but i hope you can still enjoy the story

and i'm also sorry about the homosexual part of this chapter...there was a point to it though...calling someone gay isn't an insult lol
3:38 am | October 29, 2003
Great story, but I have a few questions. First off, is Shadow Ops ever going to get reunited? (don't awnser that because it will spoil it). And second, how deep does this human covenant alliance go? Has it gone so far as that they've pooled there technology an people? If it is, than an interesting idea it to have a covenant warrior be a member of Shadow Ops when/if they reunite. However the impression I'm getting its not so much as an alliance as an agreement to leave each other alone. Good story, keep it up, 9/10
3:33 am | October 29, 2003
good but please no more gay jokes man, it hurts me as a person because im Bisexual and if that bothers neone i dont care. k
2:53 am | October 29, 2003
I thought ONI was cool... there's a thing called factions here, people, and just cuz one ONI section, say Section Three for the heck of it, says "Screw the Spartans", doesn't mean Section Nine is saying the same thing. I'm pro-ONI. And that's all there is too it.

Semper Fi

11:23 pm | October 28, 2003
lol i'm glad you all hate ONI now, you'll enjoy the rest of my story

Sergeant B, go here for a list of all my stories i wrote as Agent Shade


thanks guys
10:43 pm | October 28, 2003
frickin crazy crap u makin
wtf would they shutem down fer...crazy mother fathers ya know.
gj 10/10
Sergeant B
10:07 pm | October 28, 2003
Nemises. Can you give me the link name to your Shadow Ops I squad stories.
Sergeant B
10:03 pm | October 28, 2003
Oh them damn fucking bullshit asshole jackass dick-head son of a bitches! Those mother fuckers [Jackass ONI] shut down Shadow Ops II!! I hope Shade and the rest of the gang bring 'em to hell.
They're crap you know. ONI always and ever will be bullshit, crap, and a shitload of fuckin' jackasses.

I like your story Nemises! It was awesome. And I second Dar-Beam's question. And who the damn holly world of ONI SOB's is Dark-Beam?

10/10 with a blessing from the Prophets!
9:00 pm | October 28, 2003
i haven't finished The Last War and MJOLNIR...Battle for the Norah is being continued by Sterfrye, check it out...thanks guys
4:16 pm | October 28, 2003
what happened to the other 3 series you havent finished?
3:17 pm | October 28, 2003
This'll be interesting. What are they going to do now that they're not UNSC? Can't wait to find out. Hope you don't run out of ideas for this one. Good luck!!
2:24 pm | October 28, 2003
Heh, he punched a guy in the face :-D
