
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Shadow Ops II: Nowhere to Run, Prologue'

3:51 am | November 2, 2003
Yeah, Grunt Brigade! I wrote about a page today, but not much progress... I'm about 4 pages in and I usually like my stories about nine pages, or about 4700 words. Anyway I'll try to finish it soon; once I finish this post I'll go and try to if I can before SNL comes on.
3:45 am | October 29, 2003
actuall mine is proll on the lower half of the fanfic scale
i like derailed and homeworlds and charge of the grunt brigade and shadow ops
theyre all pimp
theres a lot of good ones
12:11 pm | October 28, 2003
I liked Hikowa, she had spunk!

Damn you Eric Nylund and William C. Dietz and Bungie and Microsoft and Gearbox and JoyRide and Gamespot and Halo.bungie.org and Bungie.net....all of you remind me of her in some way.....
4:57 am | October 28, 2003
what is your opinion on the best series ever written besides agent shades stories, cuz to me he's the best. so give me some ideas. oh and shade i like calling you that cuz i just do
(p.s. how old r u dude ?)
2:35 am | October 28, 2003
So I'm a man who likes his books....."AT LEAST I CAN READ!!!"
2:24 am | October 28, 2003
You sound more like a greiving husband rather than a greiving reader... kinda scary...
10:23 pm | October 27, 2003
The quote is: "That thing works pretty well. Don't forget to reload it." -Captain Jacob Keyes

I have a better one for you...

"He reached for it like a drowning man, clutched the lifeline with all his might, and refused to let go. For here, deep within his watery grave, was a thread that led back to what he had been.
Keyes, Jacob. Captain. Service number 01928-19912-JK.

I can just imagine Keyes cheering as he's killed, because deep inside he knows the parasite welded to his back is gonna die, too, along with all his buddies. Almost makes up for Bungie's crime of killing my favorite character... Next to Ensign Lovell, of course, who died going for his gun...

Semper Fi


PS: Sorry for the unrelated comment, Nemesis.
The German
5:08 pm | October 27, 2003
Hey guys--if any of you are good at Halo PC, come check out our web site at www.clan-electrik.com. We just freed up a position, so you can join if you're good enough. This is the best clan in America--

"This thing works pretty well; don't forget to reload it."
4:54 pm | October 27, 2003
Yeh, Iliked the Halo: We were there first series. another guy who has gone missing is Silent Hunter, his On a Pale Horse series was one of my fav series. Anybody know what happened to him?
12:13 pm | October 27, 2003
This really isn't about the story and for that I apologize but before I submit a story again can someone tell me how to make a new paragraph and indent using the code??? I feel like a n00b...
4:39 am | October 27, 2003
aww dude, i know eh? that guy was my fav author next to people like frensca, steve ollet, you walker and almost everyone else on fan fiction, except for h_k...i dunno, hope he comes back
2:44 am | October 27, 2003
Totally unrelated: anyone know what happened to Arthur Wellesly? He was gettin' pretty popular hereaboutas and then one day he was gone. Fortunes of the net? Loss of access? Or something more? Vote today.

Semper Fi

1:12 am | October 27, 2003
just put [indent] where indents go
include the brackets
again...great story Nemesis
11:12 pm | October 26, 2003
yes, the human-covenant alliance still exsists, however, there are small Covenant factions that are still against the human race and continue to attack them. as for the radio incident, the whole Shadow Ops squad is known to all of the human population, just like the Spartans were in Fall of Reach, which is why such secrecy isn't needed. why would i call it ops then? cuzz it sounds cool lol, i don't have an answer for that. finally, the forerunner buildings, i should've specified that in the building that the squad destroyed, there was no technology to salvage, so the error is mine. as for other facilities, the shadow ops squad won't be exploring any (hint) lol. thanks guys, next chapter is in
7:05 pm | October 26, 2003
Great story! I havn't read Shadow Ops I in a long time so don't get annoyed if you've already explained this, but what happened to the human-covenant alliance in the first one? Is it still in place? or have those backstabbing covies resumed the war? 9.8/10
P.S. There is one speculation I would like to point out. I think that the UNSC would be alot more reluctant to blow up Forerunner buildings without trying to scavenage to technology first, flood or no flood. But still a good story.
Steve Ollett
6:38 pm | October 26, 2003
Great stuff (again) Nemesis!

You really know how to create a vivid image with the description of your settings.

It's a shame that you stopped work on MJOLNIR as you had developed a good character.

9/10 Steve.

P.S. Just one little niggle about your latest piece - If your team really are "Shadow Ops", why would they announce it over radio? surely such ops being secret would have names that wouldn't be so noticable if anyone else were monitoring transmissions?
3:53 am | October 26, 2003
thanks guys, much appreciated...but why do you keep calling me Agent Shade...doesn't bother me, just that my name is Nemesis now lol thanks
1:54 am | October 26, 2003
you should make a series about the colony HARVEST and when its under attack by the first covenant found. and then the scout ARGO that goes to check it out theat doesnt come back gets captured and they escape and they have to survive in the covenant homeworld until the human fleet comes to save them. i would write it but you, agent shade, are such a good writer. (ps. i like your new story)
9:34 pm | October 25, 2003
I only read about half of it today, since my sis kept closing it in the middle while I was out and about, so I gave up. But the writing was awesome. Better than Shadow Ops, fo' shizzle. I might come back to this chapter after I finish the series... or maybe not. Maybe I'll read it tomorrow. Whatever. Your writing has gotten better.

Semper Fi

7:28 pm | October 25, 2003
thanks guys, my idea behind this story is interesting, i hope you enjoy it
4:37 pm | October 25, 2003
great story shade...i thought shadow ops I was pimp too...this is lookin like another great story
4:24 pm | October 25, 2003
What the.......... Shadow ops 2.. YAY!!

Looks like this could very well turn into a worthy sequel to Shadow ops. I really enjoyed nr1. Don't let me down!
3:50 pm | October 25, 2003
nice one man, shadow ops was always my favorite series that you did and now a sequel? SWEET
2:33 pm | October 25, 2003
thanks...Sergeant B, i've used the name Colin Thompson in many of my stories, mainly because it's my own name hehe. so no, Thompson hasn't switched from an ONI agent to a Shadow Ops squad member...they are technically two different people, just with the same name. MJOLNIR is "dead" for now, since i'm running out of ideas AGAIN...if you or someone else wish to continue it, by all means, i'll send you what i have...thanks again
Sergeant B
12:05 pm | October 25, 2003
Really good Nemieses! I love it. This is so good. BUt what happened to MJOLNIR?
I rate this 10/10. But why don't who put periods after sentences where they talk? And I like your idea.

P.S.- Did Thompson change from a ONI agent to a Shadow Ops II and I squad member or vice versa?
11:08 am | October 25, 2003
yay! i love the idea
